
Yassss❣️On point! As more of us make this energetic shift, the more power we return to - a collaborative driving force for good! And we stop feeding the monster in the process, making it irrelevant. They know this too- hence why they are throwing everything at the wall now in desperation. Humans (or lizards?, or aliens??) can’t play God, and God always wins! ✌🏼❤️

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Hi Abby, I have followed your writing and programs for many years now, 10 at least. This is one of the most profound pieces I’ve read in a very long time. Brilliant. Here in the US, engagement is open on so many fronts that it’s hard to even begin to focus. And you are spot on about the distractions. Tune them out, as best we can. Find Allie’s where we each can. And focus on what matters for each of us. I have been working hard at pulling back and concentrating on what I CAN do. I know many like-minded people, each striving to create, for lack of better words, harmony and peace. Your shared image captures so much visually. Rambling, I know. This write has pushed me a bit further down the road. I hear you.

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Brillianr article! Have been thinking along these same lines for quite some time. Thank you for articulating my thoughts so well! I am in!

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Thanks Dave, glad you liked it.

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My pleasure, Abby. Please keep up the great work!

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Another great article which totally resonates with me! I’m done with reading and researching and am ready for action. Have got involved with some groups organising conferences and writing materials on certain medicines beginning with V for pregnant mothers and children. It feels good to be doing stuff.

I also have come to the conclusion that not everyone is designed to wake up. Life would be anarchy if everyone woke up together. Gotta be grateful for the small stuff I guess!

Keep writing Abby.

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"Heck, we don’t even know how many people are standing in our corner of the room" -- I often wonder about this myself! In my circle, I'd say it's barely 10%!! I would love to hear what others think on this number.

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Really good point. And the fact we are headless means we can’t see for ourselves... what I do know for sure is our numbers are swelling every day 👌🏻

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Life has already begun to morph into something else for me. Not radical but more focused. Definitely unfuckable with. I am grateful for the information and folks that is out there... it helps. My family is “aware” but not fully “awake”. I drip drip them but need to be careful of using up energy. We are getting there.

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"We have to walk away from the old and create something new for ourselves that is unfuckwithable."

I can see why this is in bold. What a brilliantly motivating slogan!

At present, perhaps not too many people are yet ready for this, even those beginning to discern that all is not well, like the vax injured. They are grieving for their lost health and hope that those who took it away will restore it to them. Realising the truth will be painful, but it will happen.

However I don't think the 'other side' are as on top of things as they'd like us to think. They have been caught on the hop too and are currently floundering in a sort of controlled panic.

I suspect the last few years have been like an earthquake for everyone on both sides of the divide. Those of us who have a sense of what is going on, and who are in good shape, will pull ourselves out of the rubble and start creating the new world. At first it will probably be just for us. In time others will see it as better than the alternative being assembled by the 'other side', and they will join in.

"God helps those who help themselves." Slowly but surely the new world will come together. I'm convinced of that.

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“However I don't think the 'other side' are as on top of things as they'd like us to think.”

I’d like to think you are correct so I will infuse that with energy to make it so! Thanks for always showing up here J.P. It’s much appreciated.

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Don’t know about anyone else but I’m exhausted with all the constant information about people and their beliefs and watch this video/read this Substack.

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Exactly. So step away from it all and start to create what you want to see in the world.

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I’m doing that already but melancholy raises it’s ugly head every now and again(life long sufferer) and being a loner(more than ever since covid),although not a bad thing,got let down by so called friends so a blessing in disguise.

The paradox of the internet is that it has helped me in a lot of ways and definitely use it more than I should but I often wonder if there is so called real life out there with people that I click with.

I am noticing a slow burning shift happening with some of my family when I see them though which is a positive.

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