We must change how we engage with the material world.
We have to walk away from the old and create something new for ourselves that is unfuckwithable.
What we have learned in the last 3 years is that the world is not what we believed it to be. It is an inverted world, and the evidence, once you see it, is everywhere. The inversion runs deep, so deep, that it’s the very foundation the entire system has been built upon. Therefore, we won’t be able to change the system from within.
We have to walk away from the old and create something new for ourselves that is unfuckwithable.
Those of us who have some level of spiritual and emotional maturity can see this very clearly, yet we are still in a grieving process where we must rationalise the disappointment that we have been feeling, alongside the anger at what we have seen happen to us, and to the people that we love dearly. This is a complex and delicate process, and with it, we are navigating new waters.
Waiting for someone else to fix the world is child-like thinking. We must get up off of our own asses, and do it for ourselves. Our grieving process, along with the continuous distraction from the media, (be it far left, far right, or perverted middle), is keeping us away from doing what we need to do. And I understand why - we don’t have the energy to grieve and to build at the same time.
I feel by writing this I breaking the cycle by singing out my song, my note, loud, and maybe alone. But loud nonetheless, loud enough for someone else to hear it and to start singing along with me at the same frequency and vibration, until other people hear it, put down their black mirror devices in whatever form they take, and start singing too. Whether the song be one of intense grief, or intense hope; sadness, joy or pain, at least we will be clearing and healing ourselves, and not remaining entangled in the illusion.
Let me back up a little bit.
I’ve met some very good people on the ground in Ireland who are determined that things should be different, yet they lack direction. I can see that at times, many of them are adopting a ‘Where is the leader and who will tell us what to do?’ mentality. I do it myself from time to time - we are conditioned to think that way. We are not lost sheep, we are stronger than that, but we do still have that touch of magical thinking that comes with childhood - Daddy will fix it, Mummy will fix it. I wonder - is this in our conditioning too? It pulls us back into the entangled mesh of distraction, where we become fascinated trying to figure out which ‘celebrity’ is Mummy or Daddy… Enough!!
Besides the deep sense of inner knowing that we must parent ourselves out of this, one other thing really strikes me at this moment - change will not happen quickly.
Think of it like this - if the cabal was real, and they were playing ‘the long game’, they would have some sort of war room where they would have spent hours, weeks, decades even - planning, machinating, strategising and deploying people, investing money, shifting trajectories alongside astrological energies that are in their favour, so that its all aligned with their grand plan. We all know they do this, and have been doing this for eons.
Take another step back - they must have put hours, weeks, decades even, into creating the actual grand plan, should one exist.
And what have we done?
We have woken up, seen what has been going on and our heads are still spinning as we try to make sense of it all. To say it as a friend of mine put it - we are currently running around like headless chickens.
We have to be patient with ourselves.
We can’t condense decades of planning into a single meeting on a wet and windy Thursday night where we really just want in our heart of hearts to wake up in a different world where it has already been done for us. It won’t be done for us - thats the whole point. We have to do it for ourselves. And we, currently, don’t have a ‘grand plan’, heck, we don’t even know how many people are standing in our corner of the room.
So we do need to stop for a moment - running around headless takes up a huge amount of energy. Don’t you think they know that? Don’t you think that’s part of their ‘grand plan scenario’ should we wake up? Provide the headless chickens with enough distractions so that they don’t even realise that they’ve been put in another cage, far enough away perhaps from the other chickens, but still in a cage nonetheless?
Our biggest resource is our energy. They feed off of that. How? Just like this:
They broke you down, they tricked you,
They stabbed you through the heart,
They feasted on your effervescence,.
They relished you apart.
They stole your youth and stole your money
Convinced you they were right
But every time they ripped you open
Closer came their night
Let’s stop being headless chickens.
Let’s realise that we are not going to fix this in one day, one week, or one year, even. We don’t have a grand plan, not just yet, anyway. But what we can do, is pull our energy out of everything they made, and start using it to heal and get stronger. Let’s pour our energy and attention into what we want to see in the world, instead of into the grief that we are feeling around what they’ve taken from us.
It’s hard to do that, God knows, but God knows. And we know that God knows. And God knows that we know that God knows. So we are off to a good start.
So - to use the astrology of these times and put it into our favour for a change - the time is right for us to meet each other. To open a dialogue. To purge our anger and disappointment and become motivated. Let’s begin to imagine what we can create, envision what we would like to see in our world.
Here’s the truth of it - the meek will inherit the earth. We are nothing like the image we get from ‘meek’ however meek, meaning not getting involved in front line fighting. Not to spend our energy believing someone will save us. And the earth - when we are ready and able to, we will build something beautiful and then it belongs to us. We’ve already started.
It will take time. We must be patient. We don’t have a grand plan, we haven’t had decades, and many of us are still floundering in the dark.
Remember, each of us has our strengths and we are not the same for a reason - when we put it all together we have everything we need.
So get out there and meet people on the ground. Talk about what your skill sets are and what you’d like to see in your community. Allow your passion to drive you, if it lights you up, if you care about it strongly enough, then it could be your job to make it happen. Ask yourself ‘What can I do to contribute?’ And then go do it. Really, really do it.
Let me know what you think in the comments.
"We have to walk away from the old and create something new for ourselves that is unfuckwithable."
I can see why this is in bold. What a brilliantly motivating slogan!
At present, perhaps not too many people are yet ready for this, even those beginning to discern that all is not well, like the vax injured. They are grieving for their lost health and hope that those who took it away will restore it to them. Realising the truth will be painful, but it will happen.
However I don't think the 'other side' are as on top of things as they'd like us to think. They have been caught on the hop too and are currently floundering in a sort of controlled panic.
I suspect the last few years have been like an earthquake for everyone on both sides of the divide. Those of us who have a sense of what is going on, and who are in good shape, will pull ourselves out of the rubble and start creating the new world. At first it will probably be just for us. In time others will see it as better than the alternative being assembled by the 'other side', and they will join in.
"God helps those who help themselves." Slowly but surely the new world will come together. I'm convinced of that.
Hi Abby, I have followed your writing and programs for many years now, 10 at least. This is one of the most profound pieces I’ve read in a very long time. Brilliant. Here in the US, engagement is open on so many fronts that it’s hard to even begin to focus. And you are spot on about the distractions. Tune them out, as best we can. Find Allie’s where we each can. And focus on what matters for each of us. I have been working hard at pulling back and concentrating on what I CAN do. I know many like-minded people, each striving to create, for lack of better words, harmony and peace. Your shared image captures so much visually. Rambling, I know. This write has pushed me a bit further down the road. I hear you.