I will agree that it has been a weird, strange, angry month in my world. Lots of things coming up from this life and others that want attention YESTERDAY and I am doing the work as best I can. Lately I have been trying to work on my sovereignty in the realm of letting perverse adults perverse as long as they don't harm innocents or come at me. But that's a tough ask for many I guess. I am not placing my coat down over the mud for anyone to walk over. We all walk through it or we all find a way around it. No whining. Thank you, as always, Abby, for shining a light into this strange situation for us!

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Sep 26Liked by Abby Wynne

Feeling the tingle, giving permission - thank you for this comprehensive exercise in clearing and grounding. 🩷🌟 This reminder that we have the tools was just what I needed.

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I’m so glad it helped xox

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Sep 26Liked by Abby Wynne

People can’t handle that you are fully authentic - you and mark always speak from the heart with the caveat to say ‘do your own research’ and never proclaiming your right or wrong!.. #truth(God)wins 💜

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Some people can’t. They don’t want to do their research. Some people can never be wrong. Even when they’re wrong. Here’s hoping they raise their vibrations too.

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Those who know don’t talk , those that talk don’t know..

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