Our vibration is raising and annoying the hell out of everyone...
So don't take anything too seriously - it's just not worth it!
One time a client of mine substantially shifted his frequency after doing some big healing work. His mother phoned him right after, in the middle of the night, woke him up and screamed at him. He was so tired, all he could gather was that she was safe, just angry, so he held the phone out from his ear until she stopped, and hung up. He phoned her back the next day to find out what was going on and she didn’t remember a thing about it. It was because he shifted frequency and her expectations of him were not met. It went beyond words - a visceral knee-jerk reaction.
In my Raise Your Vibration Bootcamp (which is currently running), we are hitting a level where a cohort of people are shifting their frequency upwards - as is the goal of the programme. There have been some interesting reactions and responses from their loved ones, from equipment and ordinary things that we take for granted like computers and phones working.
When this happens, sometimes these episodes can be big - such as a car breaking down, plumbing in the house bursting, or a relationship ending. I have often sat in my car and spoken to it when it wouldn’t start - along the lines of ‘hi car, it’s me. I’ve just shifted frequency, it’s still me, and I am still here, and you are still my car.’ Amazingly the car then works on the first try. This happens with my phone too, when I get a blank screen - I telepathically tell the phone that it’s okay, and recalibrate it to me. People are beginning to see this is a real thing - If I don’t say ‘hello’ to my car park ticket, my energy wipes it and I get stuck at the barrier. If I do speak to it, it always works. My bootcampers and I have been having discussions in the private group, comparing notes, validating experiences. But I don’t think these happenings are exclusive to my Bootcampers, or to energy workers.
We are all going through energetic upgrades - that is the dark night of the soul that we as a collective are currently experiencing.
Okay, not all of us, but many of us. And those that are not going through the upgrades are, without a shadow of a doubt, the ones that are reacting to the shifts in the rest of us. And the best way they know how to react, is to attack.
This week I was attacked on Linkedin AND on Substack. I saw it as a sign I’ve gone through another upgrade and I actually found it quite funny. The number of people that queued up to do a number on me validated that Linkedin is not a platform where my truth is well received. Oh well! I suppose that people who use pronouns and tip toe around other people's delusions would of course take offence at the image that I shared.
I'm a ‘so-called’ healer over on Linked in now! Most people just don't want to do their inner work, do they? They find it much more interesting to identify out of their wounding. They’d be quite boring if they weren’t living from conditioned limitations. Like these two.
That I was attacked on Linkedin wasn’t that surprising to me, not really, but the number of people that took great glee in spewing vitriol in my general direction was quite astonishing. I took a step back from it all and walked away.
What I didn't expect, however, was to be attacked on Substack! This person, a self-professed transcendental meditator, decided on the basis of the Bell Jar technique shared in Mark and my book, Weapons of Mass Protection, that Mark has no clue what he is talking about. She seemed to get great pleasure in putting him down. Its in the comments of a recent post, ironically, which is about what to do if you feel down, anxious, angry or under attack.
I didn’t feel obliged to come to his aid, however when I tried to find some solid argument on her part, there just wasn’t any. So I had to reply to her comment. She reacted right away with anger. I waited a day or so, and replied again, but she was in quick and fast - and I realised she wasn't hearing a word I said. In her own world, insisting that I was rude, and wrong. I can only put it down to frequency. When someone like that insists on having the last word, you’re better off laughing and letting them have it. Or, as the great Homer Simpson says, ‘Let the baby have its bottle.”
I had a client come to me one time who’s sister was becoming very upset with her because after a few sessions with me, she was getting better. My client was the ‘one who is sick’ and the sister, ‘the one who looks after the sick one’. That’s a co-dependant relationship. But the sick one was sick of being sick, and decided to get better, until her sister lashed out at her. She became terrified and stopped coming to sessions.
So what do we do - stop raising up, like my client? No! No bloody way!! This is what we do - see it for what it is, put space between it, and ourselves, and move on.
Conditioning has trained us to be subservient to other people’s whims, to put someone else’s pain ahead of our own happiness. No more. We must change this paradigm. Take the risk. Reframe it - what if our pandering to their pain is keeping them, and us, in pain? Don’t we owe it to them to approach this differently? We certainly owe it to ourselves.
Here’s an energetic technique that can help you -
See yourself in a bubble of light. Their need to pull you back down to their level is making you heavy. Let their need dissolve away from you.
Allow yourself to see if they are hooked into you - did they attach ropes and hooks into you? See them dissolving. Remember they want to see you upset so that they can feel better about feeling upset themselves.
Once you see it - change it.
Lift up and out of their space so they can no longer find you. Change the density and texture of your bubble so their anger cannot stick to you or trap you. Change the colour of your energy and let their anger fall out of your bubble. Because it can. And you deserve it.
Maybe one day they will realise that their triggers are their responsibility. That it isn’t our obligation to pander to their pain. And that if we can heal, they can too.
Join my Self-publishing Masterclass with Mark Attwood - we start in October - sign up here to find out about dates
If you want to learn how to raise your vibration you can buy The Raise Your Vibration Bootcamp Book with over 87 techniques, 7 hours of audio and video AND 4 21 day programmes to teach you how to raise your vibration and keep it high. Click here to find out where to get it.
And if you’re not sure if Demons are real, click here to get a copy of Weapons of Mass Protection - with step by step exercises to teach you how protect yourself from psychic attack that really work. Maybe that’s why that person was so upset with me. ha ha! Click here for the free version. Click here to buy the paperback online.
Here’s a video that might help you if you have trouble with the exercise. Let me know your thoughts in the comments - I promise I won’t pick a fight with you!
I will agree that it has been a weird, strange, angry month in my world. Lots of things coming up from this life and others that want attention YESTERDAY and I am doing the work as best I can. Lately I have been trying to work on my sovereignty in the realm of letting perverse adults perverse as long as they don't harm innocents or come at me. But that's a tough ask for many I guess. I am not placing my coat down over the mud for anyone to walk over. We all walk through it or we all find a way around it. No whining. Thank you, as always, Abby, for shining a light into this strange situation for us!
Wow. Thank you so much, Abby. This feels like just the right article at just the right time. I've a bajillion articles open right now, but I'm going to read this one twice instead.