Another great head-scratcher that sets me thinking.

I have come to realise that we collude with those who want to disempower us, that we are not helpless victims of an omnipotent force. Even though I see evidence of this every day I have to keep reminding myself of this basic fact.

Nobody can force us to have a smartphone, to follow the 'news', etc., etc. We do these things because we want to. And we want to because we feel better as a result. Maybe we want to feel involved with our communities, to be 'normal', not to feel left out. The exact motive probably differs from person to person, I don't know.

I am not suggesting that we are not being manipulated by the tech companies, or whoever, into using their software and their hardware continuously. I am not suggesting that we are not prone to addictive behaviour. I believe I am suggestible enough to be manipulated. Not for a second do I think I am immune to the techniques being used against us.

So all I can do is to try to avoid the worst examples of the propaganda machine, like the mainstream media. Obviously I still use the Internet. How else could I be typing this? However I am trying to wean myself off that too.

I believe these innovations, whether newspapers or facebook, were created specifically as brainwashing tools, to get us to buy stuff we don't need, or for more sinister purposes. So the only way I can think of to prevent this indoctrination, this stealing of my focus as Abby puts it, is to turn away from the 'machine'. Or try anyway.

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Perhaps just defining it as a machine is good enough for now. Thats what Paul Kingsnorth calls it. Empire - that’s what Neil Kramer calls it. The World - that’s what I’m calling it today.

We will find our way - we’re only toddlers and we keep falling down because the landscape we see before us is much more precarious than we realised. But at least we are moving forward, even if we are as toddlers.

Thanks for the comment J.P. xx

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Been turning off my power at night-turning off the breaker on my effinghorred smart meter. Otherwise I cannot sleep well, and tend to wake up at 3 am or so. I think they are essentially stealing our focus at night, our ability to heal, which mostly happens at night. Try it, you'll like it. Good sleep. Still fighting the power company to get my old meter back, group lawsuits starting.

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The most important kind of hygiene is the mental variety. Invest in that first and the rest follows.

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Great piece Abby - I do like the idea of non dependence on devices however for the likes of positive online gatherings or boot camps etc it’s amazing - to connect to people around the world - I suppose if we change our perception and simply use it for a positive connection tool would help - as you said we are the ones that have to change 🙏💜

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