We have all grown up pointing fingers and placing blame. I have done it. I have also owned up to my choices and at times found where I woukd take the blame when it wasn't my fault. It is truly a delicate balance at times standing in your true self. Thank you for shining a light on this subject for many to take a deeper look inside for growth and healing.

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Our soul holds us firmly and lovingly as the ego playfully tempts us with life. Being still and grounded, gives the self a better opportunity at conscious mindful intuitive choice. The usual hit and miss habitual direction seems to lack wisdom and inner listening. We grow into this, no shoulda and musts, just experiences and learning. I am grateful for your clarity and heartful contribution. I read Anatomy of the Spirit by Myss and gained insight into my own inherent super powers. With love and light and reiki.

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Loved this Abby. We do have choice but it must be fully informed. ❤️

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Knowing that we are not fully informed can inform our choices!! Lovely. Thanks for the comment!

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