Agreed. We don't know what we don't know in the moment. The next few years is going to require a great deal of grace both dispensed and absorbed. But I am ever optimistic. Or, as Mark says, Apocaloptimistic! Looking for to reading this latest book! I have had some of those similar experiences and living with them without being able to share them in polite society has been odd. I really appreciate you breaking that silence, Abby.

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I love that - 'a great deal of grace both dispensed and absorbed' Beautifully said. I hope to hear about your experiences as you grow stronger and able to find your voice around it. No more silence ❤️

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The Truth is like a very high mountain we are struggling to climb. Now and then we catch glimpses of the summit, or maybe it's just the next ridge. Doesn't matter. Instinct drives us on, upwards towards the top.

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May we all have the strength to keep on going 🙏🏻

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Liked by Abby Wynne

Listening to this, I thought of you.....best to you Abby-enjoyed recent SGT interview, even though the boys talked more than you....mrrr

https://youtu.be/h5kQ7_IZ8YI?si=oc-hNkkFn6B8ll1X Vanessa Andreotti: "Hospicing Modernity and Rehabilitating Humanity" | The Great Simplification 125 Nate Hagens

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Yes, they did didn't they! But it was my first time on SGT so I wanted to behave myself! Thanks for the link I'll check it out.

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I’ve been tipping and tapping at writing a post called The Right To Be Wrong for freakin weeks. I really need to just press publish but in essence it’s a very similar take. We all need to have “Strong convictions, loosely held” to allow in new information that could possibly change our minds. We have to re-learn how to listen to uncomfortable opinions and even when we wholeheartedly disagree, we need to work to find the 10% that we appreciate so we can build more than we destroy.

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I love that - to build more than we destroy. There’s a time for destruction though, and that time is now. I’m excited to see the election results. Thanks for the comment! Now go publish your post!

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Jun 3Liked by Abby Wynne

Well said Abby. ♥️

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