Without exception everything that human beings do and say is generated by or an extension of culturally programed mostly uninspected set of ideas or ideology about what we are as human beings and the nature of the world-process.

Most/all of these ideas also have deep-level emotional associations too. Emotional associations that are unconsciously formed and imprinted in the brains and nervous systems during infancy and childhood. Furthermore we all sent to gravitate towards or associate with people who share the same set of ideas (or ideology).

Regarding childhood and education too please check out these references:




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Babies and children do masturbate - and they should be taught a positive body image. I think the answer is - give this education to the parents/caregivers and empower them to make informed choices for their children as they feel is appropriate - warning them that if they don’t guide thier children in a healthy way, they will learn sexuality all wrong from friends, from porn, and predators. When I was a 9 year old girl and would be cat-called by boys and men from cars (or anywhere) as I was out and about! Yes, parents need to be educated and involved, but calling it propaganda is wrong.

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Hi Renee. I deleted my earlier comment as it didn’t sit well with me. It’s taken me a while to think about why.

Babies don’t masturbate. They don’t have control of their limbs. They also wear nappies. I think what you say is a myth - science has been captured for longer than we realise with intent to do harm.

As far as children masturbating, it could be due to a mechanical accident. Or child abuse. There is no sex drive in one so young because they are unable to procreate. 9 years old is too young for sex, the body is unable to carry a child. If our current diet has affected the body to the extent that early puberty does occur I think it’s because of the steroids that are currently in meat. We have not controlled our food for years and years.

So I respectfully disagree. I want to see the studies that say otherwise and who funded the studies, the experimental set up, etc. I don’t trust science at all - particularly after being a research biologist myself and seeing so-called eminent scientists fucking around with experimental data because it didn’t suit them. I was shocked when I experienced that - I was in my early 20’s just out of a masters degree and about to partake of a phD - I had been accepted into one. But I realised there was no point to it because of the mysogeny and nepotism inherent in the academic systems. I was heart broken in fact.

So going back to your second point - yes it is up to the parents to teach sexuality to their children. And if the parents are unhealthy that is a tragedy. But we have to step up and be responsible adults - the disempowerment of people by the state and religion is again another part of the hidden slavery we have been subjected too. Living in a beautiful prison. It’s taken generations to see it. No initiation ceremony in the western world has taken away the rites of passage - you know this - it’s vital we bring them back and set our children free.

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Some points/questions that come to mind - nothing here requires an answer -

Some girls start menstruation as early as age 9 (hormones).

The brain is responsible for climax - thus, wet dreams (happens to males and females). Once a child realizes sex is part of the world they live in (seeing animals copulating for example) the questions start and learning begins. Genital exploration can happen any time one is curious - it doesn't always lead to climax, but if it does, can we really blame industrialized hamburgers? Are growth hormones the same ones responsible for sex drive? How many hamburgers does it take to make someone abnormally hormonal? And can we blame a curious child for wanting to "feel that feeling again"?

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I think what you describe is natural yes, but not something we need to be teaching in schools. It's not a teacher's job to do this. Again, sex needs to be sacred and parents need to be the ones to get the education so they can choose what they feel is appropriate for their own children. This current suite of books takes away the sacredness, makes bodies a commodity, and encourages children to procreate way too early. We hand over too much to the state, it's time to reclaim our bodies, our minds and our spirits.

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I agree strongly. Thank you, Abby.

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