Jan 3, 2022·edited Jan 3, 2022Liked by Abby Wynne

Good insights Abby. For me observing what's happening now in its most simple form it is knowing the difference between right & wrong. It's the experience of that. When that's realised that soul needs to speak up. Until every soul realises that we shall continue in this cycle.

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Abby Wynne

Love this Abby and love that you have found a forum to write your full truth without the need to hold back. The divisiveness that Covid has brought to light exists in the most surprising places including many who consider themselves lightworkers and healers. When we come to a place of live and let live we will know true healing has taken place in humanity. It is unfolding.

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“Mass formation psychosis is when a large part of a society focuses its attention to a leader(s) or a series of events and their attention focuses on one small point or issue. Followers can be hypnotized and be led anywhere, regardless of data proving otherwise. A key aspect of the phenomena is that the people they identify as the leaders – the one’s that can solve the problem or issue alone – they will follow that leader(s) regardless of any new information or data. Furthermore, anybody who questions the leader’s narrative are attacked and disregarded.“


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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Abby Wynne

Thank you for sharing this. It's awesome.

One point stood out for me.

I also get upset at the language I see directed at those who have vaccinated, some for heartbreaking reasons others misguided perhaps, not for us to judge.

Some of it almost makes me ashamed. I hate the term 'pure bloods', it's nasty. For me there is goodness in resisting and fighting to overcome evil. This is just mutating the evil that has been stage managed into our lives. I know we are all struggling, but these terms will never achieve anything positive.

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Abby Wynne

I am vaccinated. I didn’t want to be jabbed. But out of marital harmony and the desire to travel to the Isle of Man, I reluctantly received the jab. I will not be having the booster. I’ve done my bit and ‘played the game’.

This Covid will run itself out of energy and then the smoke and mirrors will also start to fall by those who pretend to lead, when all they want to do is take power.

If you want the jab - have it.

If you don’t want the jab - don’t have it.

It’s a personal choice. I don’t like the jab, but I won’t have a go at anyone for having it or not having it.

Something is shifting. Not sure what, so as per a card I drew a couple of days ago, I shall wait.

I wish I didn’t have the jab. I feel like a time bomb now …..

It’s a good piece Abby. Thank you for sharing.

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Abby Wynne

Thank you Abby xxx 💕 well written and perfectly said xx

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by Abby Wynne

I do like the feeling of this new space - thanks and congrats, Abby!

Right now I am being forced to work from home because of mandates. This is a dream come true for me because of the extra time this affords me to devote to my art! I am not fully vaccinated - I resisted the jab because I believe I was one of the first to catch the new strain, but later on I relented, and had an allergic reaction - so I'm not in a hurry to be "fully" vaxed and I have the support of my MD on that! Meanwhile I've been part of a handful who were asked to work in the office every other week over the entire pandemic! Suddenly masks are not enough protection because...? of a mass psychosis (as you well said). I am happy to stand as a contented, compassionate and patient witness to sanity.

I have always had cats in my life - long before I discovered Reiki, their deep presence blesses my heart. The love of my life was a cat. He taught me not to fear death by his own deep trust. I remind myself of those gifts every time I scoop the litterbox... strange hobby otherwise! :D

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Thank you

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