Well expressed and there was a soul that could see and that’s what was beautiful …it’s not a numbers game and you were there to shine light in a darkened room … one light lights up a dark room 💗

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Thank you ❤️

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The world has gone to hell Abby, satanic imagery everywhere you look. Such a shame your musical rhapsody was ruined by grotesquery. That's another star off the Christmas card list. Sometimes you'd wonder where they get their talent from. Is it some kind of occult deal?

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It’s upsetting - do all the celebrities sell their souls? How can he write such eloquent grace-filled music and put it to such horrific images without knowing what he is doing.. I’m sure it’s not possible.

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What a great letter! I really hope Philip Glass reads it. He needs to.

I love Philip Glass' music. I don't love Philip Glass. I don't hate him either. I just don't know the man.

The same goes for Arvo Part, Steve Reich, John Adams, Franz Schubert, Richard Wagner, etc. etc.,

Beauty can come from the most unpromising source, whether it be painting, literature or music. For instance I love listening to Frank Sinatra singing in his prime. His voice conveys something beautifully timeless. The man himself, on the other hand...!

All of that is man-made beauty. And humanity is fallible, corruptible, broken, even when it manifests itself in artists like Philip Glass. Real beauty comes from God, whether it is a butterfly, a seal, a sunset or a tree. Isn't it great to know that?

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Yes. The beauty of God comes through us and that is what moves us 🙏🏻

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Abby, I'm so sorry you had to experience that! Even so... The light still shines. 🤍

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This is profoundly sad. Cowardice and moral degradation are now seen as mere character traits...'quirks' to be indulged.

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In respect to the audience, this is certainly true indeed.

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Well there's the top down agenda if not deliberately Satanic, or dark if you don't fancy that word, but all that is beautiful, creative or artistically expressed and shared from within is being attacked and violently polluted. These are deliberate assaults upon the eyes. It is everywhere, dragging the collective spirit down. It is mindless to go along with this, it's the same scene whether the arm medicine, political correctness, wokeness and so on for fear of stepping outside the herd mentality. This mindlessness is the Wetiko virus that enables and spreads this kind of toxicity, that very few with awareness and in their heart would tolerate. People think tolerance is polite, go along to get along, actually it's weak and places people unwittingly on the same level as 'order followers' (e.g. the police, MSM, compliant teachers) to quote Mark Passio. That is those that do the bidding of those in power, higher up, that aim to have a psychopathic iron grip upon humanity. Break away, it's not hard and doesn't require the adrenalized levels of energy as rebellion. Stand aside, let it all fall.

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The conditioning is relentless - it is everywhere, ugliness, degrading and desensitising, normalising of the utterly evil and demonic. One’s attention is energy, the currency of the times we live in. As you did Abby, look away, choose to place your sight, your thoughts elsewhere. It is scary to see all around us succumb are they being led into the darkness, do they realise they are complicit?

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Thanks for sharing. Well, there is definitely something in what is said about "idolatry and admiration" it all leads to a similar outcome of giving power away to someone else. I have never heard of Philip Glass and his "work"? Perhaps he is one of those "artists" that knows the combination/recipe for a tune, (a bit like a pied piper) reeling people in and almost casting a spell? This is what the music industry does in general. In my experience the more positive regard we give away (especially to those we don't know "who" they really are) the more open to utter disappointment/horror we are when we see something that is so off vibe and of another frequency. Just thought I would share this from where I currently sit. My edit is: I had a conversation with my teenage son the other day about a "Black Sabbath" record he had just bought. He had done some research on Ozzy Osbourne and described some of his previous antics of years gone by- pouring petrol over a drummer and attempting to set him alight??? eating a live bats head off on stage during a show??? and killing his ex girlfriends cats because he didn't like them??? This "demonic stage" has been playing out for some time. I told him that I don't want to listen to the record, as that says something about "who" he really is as human (or non human). His reply was "separate the artist from their work"!? I TOTALLY disagree with his reasoning and told him so. To me, it it a huge red flag as to their "intention" of the work that they do, which isn't coming from a place of anything remotely healthy.

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Philip Glass is an incredibly gifted composer, unlike Ozzy Osbourne, his music is joyous and filled with God's light. Hence my puzzlement at it's juxtaposition with such horror and evil. He wrote the score to The Truman Show, which was an enfoldment in itself of what is hiding in plain sight. As a friend said on Facebook, there is a cost to fame, perhaps this was it.

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All you have to do is see who he is connected to, and there lies the true substance of his real character (behind the composing). I am dubious of anyone who has anything to do with honoring “Barack OBama” on presidents day, or the Dalai Lama, and rubs shoulders with Hollywood elites. Research and question everything, see reality and keep an open mind. Philip Glass or Ozzy Osbourne, they are still part of the “entertainment” part of this realm which whether you like it or not is there as a distraction and a form of enchantment/escapism.

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Please don't tell me Arvo Pårt's music suffers the same abusive, painful treatment...

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I wouldn’t know! He’s long dead I think - and Glass is still alive at 87 years old I don’t expect him to reply but stranger things have happened…

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Not dead! 89 years old!


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Yes, thanks Abby!

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