I'm done with data. Not least because even when you show people data from a government website, they will still refuse to believe it, unless it agrees with the usual BBC/MSM narrative. I think we have to trust our eyes and common sense.I think that the people closest to the data would not have gone ahead with parties etc., unless the data shows them that it was safe to do so. Do we really think we would endanger the life of our Queen, mixing with people at the G7, some from red list countries, no quarantine, no masks, distancing etc. I mean, I am sure it was a nice barbecue and cocktails, but is this a likely safe scenario for someone so precious? At the same time, I had my ticket cancelled for an open air concert at a small venue to listen to Van Morrison. Who knew that the government would be more concerned about my welfare? There were other events too, Wimbledon, football. When so many things don't make sense, it is because they don't make sense to rational people. How could it ever have been about a virus?The video shows two possible outcomes, and sums it up nicely. I do think that it is possible that it could be both. So we must be vigilant for the signs, when they appear, and also not too complacent, that somewhere in the events of the past days,that we can expect "normality" any time soon.

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I hear you. Sending love. Not much else I can add to what you have said.

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I am actually wondering what was the point to all of this? I believe it was an experiment on a global scale to see how far the public could be pushed, a double “population control” if you will.

I am worried for my children. I left the choice to them regards the jab but made them aware of my views (even tho I am double jabbed - wish I hadn’t, I’m a ticking time bomb I think….).

BJ is lifting the restrictions as a desperate grab for populism as he is lower than a sewer rat at the moment, along with the rest of his cabinet.

I think restrictions do need to be lifted so we can return to life - whatever that looks like now - and also see if the restrictions imposed on us actually made a difference.

It is tremendously sad that many have lost their lives to this virus, but we will never know the true quantity of direct related deaths due to the inaccurate and false recording.

The US is also trying to bring pressure on those who are unjabbed. Disgraceful. I have heard that the hospitals get paid for every Covid case. They also get paid for putting people on a ventilator and for subsequent deaths. What’s that all about I wonder…. (I repeat this is what I have heard…).

I have been affected by Covid. Didn’t think I had. But it is difficult for me to find joy (doesn’t help that I’m going through menopause alongside ASD and ADD) at the moment. All I want is my own space, but at the same time, I still want to be connected.

Think we are just going to have to float with this for a while until we have something tangible to hold on to….

Thanks again Abby ❤️

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I can’t speak to everything you’ve just said but I will say this. If you decide you’re a ticking time-bomb then you are. So don’t.

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Yes I know you are right.

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This just in (I sound like JP Sears!): https://rumble.com/vt9ckq-250122-iclcj.html

It might explain why it happened. Or not. Who knows anything anymore?

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Agree with all you said. It might seem that it is over - but only if we brush it all under the carpet which is what they are hoping will happen. But if we brush it under the carpet it will happen again and again at random times like it does in an abusive relationship and we will never have peace. The perpetrators need to be removed from positions of 'power'. The people did actually have the power all the time, they just didn't know it because fear tactics were used to frighten the life out of people, so much so, that they would do anything to stay safe including ridiculous rituals like wearing masks, rule of 6, staying at home for 23 hours out of every 24, leaving granny all alone in isolation for months at a time and leaving sick people to die on their own in hospitals etc. Thank you for saying all that you do - you are the voice of reason - as you said people were deliberately left feeling confused and as if they were going mad not knowing what to think or believe even though deep down their gut instinct told them something was not right about all of this.

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There is still much left to make sense of. They play a long game. Let’s just make sure we don’t forget what has happened. It’s not over yet not for me that’s for sure ❤️

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