I watched a TikTok video this morning. It was a young man who was using the Bible to justify abortion. I don't remember which Bible verse he quoted because I'm not a Bible person. But basically he said that according to the Bible, a baby is not alive until it takes its first breath. In other words, if your baby's not born yet, then it's not really alive, therefore it's okay to have a full-term abortion. I looked at this boy and said to myself, if he had ever experienced a baby growing inside his body, he would know differently. And I’m not talking guessing, or believing, I’m talking about a strong sense of knowing what is true.
I’ve had four babies, and I have four amazing, beautiful children. I can tell you unequivocally, I knew exactly who they were, personality and all, well before they were born. When they were placed upon my belly, covered in blood and mucus, I recognised their personalities, their frequency, their essence. Each of them was different to the other. They were very much alive, and themselves, well before they took their first breath of air.
My eldest daughter was always awake when I was trying to go to sleep. That was her playtime. And then when I was awake and exhausted and trying to work because I had to, she would sleep to the rocking motion of my body. I was terrified of the idea of her because she was my first. I was afraid that I would drop her, hurt her, do something wrong. I imagined myself not knowing how to connect with her, being afraid to touch her. I imagined her an alien being coming out of me, rather than someone woven from my own flesh and blood. So I was surprised at how I felt when I held her for the first time, because that was completely not the case. All the fear was in my head. My first words to her were, “Oh, it's you! I know you. You're my baby!” That was really interesting to me as there was nothing to be afraid of. Where had all the fear come from? I looked at her and knew exactly who she was, she was moving the way she moved when she was inside me, (ahh, now I know what that feeling was!) and I fell in love with her easily.
My boy, my second born, was totally different. It was remarkable, I knew immediately he was a different person altogether to my firstborn while he was still inside my womb. The way he moved and stretched, the way he sat on my stomach and gave me heartburn for most of my pregnancy! And he didn’t kick the same way, or have the same sleep pattern, or turn inside me the same. He was very much himself. I wasn’t afraid of him, and he knew it, and that helped us bond with each other. When he was born and I held his him in my arms for the first time, I looked at his scrunched up little sleepy face and knew that we were already best friends.
My third baby told me her name and took me on a shamanic journey before she was born, showing me all the magical lands where we had resided together before. I was learning shamanism at the time, the richness of journeying to your unborn baby is such a gift. She insisted she was older than me and knew more things than me, and had lots to teach me. When she was born and I held her in my arms, I felt that she had been my grandmother in a previous lifetime. Again, a totally different experience to the other two pregnancies, and a totally different, complete person, wrapped up in a little baby’s body. My forth, she was different too. I was confident in my pregnancy and she was just happy to be here, happy to be held, wanting to experience everything.
My children probably won't like me talking about them here. Our experiences together are sacred and I like to keep them that way, but sometimes I need to share something in order to illustrate a point. My children didn't just suddenly switch on their personalities when they took their first breath. Their souls came into their little bodies in slivers and pieces and scraps of silver and gold and shards of light over the duration of my pregnancy. They became the core essence of the people that they are now, well before they exited my womb.
I’m speaking out here to educate that boy who thinks that we are robots who come alive the moment we breathe oxygen. I'm saying this to educate anybody who thinks a third trimester or even a second trimester abortion is acceptable because they think baby is just a vessel of bones, blood and skin, with no personality imbued within. They’re wrong.
Personally I would never have an abortion, and because of this, I will never have to live with the conundrum as to whether or not I did the right thing. But I do appreciate other people have to work through this conundrum, and I have supported many clients who come to me asking me to help them work through it in a healing session. For most, it is a beautiful healing experience, recognising the soul that contracted with them not to be born, the soul that wants a connection with them nonetheless. Some of my clients have amazing beautiful angels following them everywhere they go, angels that are the souls of babies not given an opportunity to be their son, or their daughter. But my clients the ones that are living with their choices, not me.
I do not condone evil and I see evil in the world more clearly than I ever did before. People who have had abortions are not necessarily evil, and this is not the direction I am going in here, and I want to be clear about that.
Telling people that babies have no soul until they take their first breath, telling them that it’s acceptable to abort a baby at any stage of its development is evil.
Telling people that babies don't feel pain is evil.
This is not okay.
We are not robots. We are spiritual beings - physical beings, designed by God in a perfect state. We are still learning every day about how it all works, what we are made of, and what a miracle of existence we are. If we treated ourselves as the miracles that we are, we would have greater respect for all beings, and treat them all as miraculous too. But we don’t, do we? Just as I had fear in my mind of my first baby and didn’t know where the fear came from, there are subliminal messages of fear and self-loathing everywhere. These are the ways they spread evil. Like the boy on TikTok. It all seems innocent, but it’s far from it.
Now I might lose some of my readers for speaking out in this way. I'll take the hit. I'm sick of trying to be controlled, of being lied to. I’m sick of keeping quiet too. I'm sick of the people, the beings, the whoever they are that think they are controlling us, telling us that evil is acceptable. It is not.
I do not consent. I call evil out for what it is. Evil.
A friend of mine said to me, the momentum of the darkness right now is like a massive juggernaut thundering down a road, ready to flatten anyone in its path. She asked me how could we stop it? I said to her ‘We can’t. All we can do is step out of the way.’
As more of us do this - speak out, call it out and step away, we take our power away from that juggernaut and it shrinks. The fabric of the lies we have been living are no longer fed by our fears, and it becomes ripped, shredded and torn. This is the only way forward that I can see. I wrote on Twitter today:

I pull my energy away from them, whomever they are, whomever their puppets are, they don’t own me. Not now and not ever. I take my power back. I do not consent. Say this statement out loud if it resonates with you. Say it many times. It’s powerful.
I want to create a better world, away from the pathway of the juggernaut. I am joyful because I know I am not the only one. And as we band together, that juggernaut shrinks, becoming smaller and smaller, shouting loudly yes, but nobody is listening anymore. We are too busy enjoying the miracle of life, living from joy and from love. Want to join me? Let me know what you think in the comments. It’s time.
I've got three beautiful girls! Each one of them totally different in appearance and character. We represent all four of the elements as well! My life has been turned upside down with them, in a beautiful way. Indeed, the characters are already recognisable in our womb. With the first one I thought it was a boy, rough, firey and dominant, lol, later I've found out she's a girl, and as a child she acted like a boy. My second daughter; sleepy and dreamy, the airy element, doing her own thing never listening 😂. And with my last daughter I shared a deep bond, even before I was pregnant I knew she was coming, and I was afraid because I knew I would have to do it alone, just me and her. At the beginning of my pregnancy I meditated and asked if she is okay with being born without a father. An angel appeared to me and said that this soul really wants to be born! A simple and clear message! For me enough to make up my mind.
The problem with the church is that they don't recognise the reincarnation cycle, nothing is alive before it is born. Utter nonsense of course, feeding the evil, directing the dumb down people into wrong doing. In a healthy world with loving people, there's no such a thing as rape, being alone, suicide, or a need of abortion.
Our voices are important, and our actions too.