Today a woman wrote me an email singing my praises. She had signed up for my 5 day clearing challenge, and on day 3, her adult son and she had a breakthrough in their relationship. Thing is, I didn’t actually do anything. I just gave her a couple of meditations to listen to, and offered her a different way of thinking. She made the miracle happen all by herself.
It’s similar to what I say in the video I made with Mark Attwood (below). Survivors of abuse, any kind of abuse, know what they want to say. They don’t need to find their voice, or get help with what they need to say. They just need to find the power and strength to be able to use their voice and say it.
We have been abused, although many of us don’t realise it. But we also are finding our strength, and remembering our ability to create what we want in our lives, and it is beginning to show.
These are late night thoughts after I water my garden and de-slug my growing dahlias, and I don’t apologise for them. I’m working stuff out, as we all are, so they may be half baked, but they may also stimulate discussion, which is always good.
Late night thoughts.. I was texting a friend last night with another late night thought - we were celebrating the coming together of all the people making new community, creating new incentives and empowering people to step up and rescue themselves. I said - look how much damage it took for us to realise that we had to do it, and then how much more damage it took for us to actually do it. He replied, and I quote him exactly here: Well, when you've been traumatised, poisoned and brainwashed for a million years it takes a while to catch on.
He’s right. We gave our power away and they took it. Like dogs, we rolled onto our backs, put our paws up in the air and let them take whatever they wanted from us. I keep going back to the Dominoes button, the one thing that I still cannot fathom ever having in my house, but people do have them, and want them, or they wouldn’t make them. Everything is made easy, they make everything convenient. And then, when we were comfortable in our comfort, they came and took an inch, and another inch, and another, and another, until they took miles and miles, over years and years, and left us thinking we were powerless. But we never were.
I’m excited because I’m seeing people rising up. We rise together, and say ‘No more. Enough is enough.’ Oh what a time to be alive! We are helping each other rise, bringing together our best skills and creative thinking to make new and better things that give back to communities, so we can step away from what has taken so much from us for so long.
Here are links to some amazing new undertakings that I have seen rising out of this mess:
Health Incentives
The People’s Health Alliance
The World Council for Health
Informed Consent Action Network
Americas Frontline Doctors
Make Americans Free Again
Alternative News Sources and Discussion Groups
Rebel News
Free Press
Grand Torino
If you have any more, do share them in the comments below and I will update the lists here. We are only getting started.
See - we have always had the power, just like Dorothy always had the power all along. But the difference between us and her, was that she never knew she had, whereas we forgot that we had.
We forgot because we had years worth of the equivalents of the dominoes button - television at the touch of a remote, all the food we could ever possibly want both in and out of season, plenty of sugar, alcohol and drugs to keep us stupefied and stupid. Subliminal programming telling us that our lives were based around working 9-5, that the happiest day of our lives is the day that we marry, that all we want from life is to have a baby, a big car and a house, and go on a holiday for 2 weeks a year. And okay, some people, that’s all that they want. But many of us want more than that. That’s where religion came in - to disempower us further, tell us that we were sinners before we even started, telling us that we were wrong to want more, that we should be small, stay home, and eat cake.
It’s time.
I see us getting up off the ground and shaking ourselves off. I see us joining together and making something better. It takes courage, effort and energy, but I always felt that nothing worth having was ever going to be easy. I’m in! It’s exciting, it’s new, and there’s room for you, too, if you want to join us.