What Are Energetic Upgrades And Why Do They Hurt So Much?
So much astrology, so much ow...
I’ve been taking about upgrades, many astrologers are taking about strong energies, and today I had so many people talking about their ‘ascension symptoms’ on my telegram, so I thought I should write about it.
We have a physical body.
Every 7 years the cells in our physical body are replaced, old cells die and new cells grow in. We start with the body of a baby, then shift to toddler body, then child, teenager, then young adult. The body you’re inhabiting right now is very different to the one you grew up in. But we don’t see this as upgrading ourselves, it’s the circle of life, it’s natural growth and development and it happens over the course of our lifetime, so slowly that we don’t notice it until we stop and pay attention.
We have an energetic body.
Because we don’t see it, most of us are unaware of it. Our emotional, mental and physical body is connected by our energetic body, or we could call it our consciousness. The blocks in our energetic body hamper our physical body - if we are tied up in knots energetically, our physical body doesn’t get as much life force energy flowing into it. Stress can knot us up, holding onto emotional pain and trauma can cause stagnation and blocks in our energy field.
Life force energy flows into us, and through us, and out from us.
The amount of life force energy that flows into our physical body, and the way that this energy flows has a direct impact on our vitality. When the energy flows freely, we are vibrant, in flow, we feel good. Our body is fed and nourished, we have energy to work rest and play. Most of us are not in top energetic shape for many reasons, particularly as we are, and have been, in a spiritual war. For some reason, today it feels like that is coming to an end - they no longer have as much power over us as they did. This will ease things up significantly, but we still need to do our personal work.
How you organise your energetic body is very important.
It feeds into everything you do, what you pay attention to, and of course, it’s also about what is feeding off of you, too. This includes relationships, preoccupations, and occupations. Energy vampires are real. Take a moment and ask yourself if you know one. Don’t worry if you do, there are things you can do about it.
Working with your energy body
I see the energetic body AND the physical body as a container - it is a certain size, quality and has a level of integrity. Like a vase – they come in all shapes and sizes, some in glass, some metal, some ceramic. When people are leaking their life force energy, it’s like a vase with a hole in it leaking water. You can repair your container with your imagination and a strong intention, so that you contain your energy instead of leak it out. But if you continue to leak out energy, then you might need to look at the deeper reasons for that.
When someone takes someone else’s energy, I liken it to a smash-and-grab, or a break-in, without permission. Invariably the container gets damaged and needs to be repaired, and then refilled. I have worked with people who’s vase was completely shattered by life experiences, and we put it back together again. Just like that meme of the Japanese vase which was put back together with gold.
A daily spiritual practice is necessary to maintain and look after your energy body/container. Check into yourself now - if you were a container ask yourself - what would you look like, and are you intact? And if not, why not?
So, what is an energetic upgrade?
An energetic upgrade happens when your ‘container’ is upgraded. In other words, your vase enlarges and shifts to being made of a higher quality. This is an expansion of your energy body, and a shift in frequency and vibration of the life force energy that your body can now access.
Energetic upgrades can happen overnight. They can happen in a split second. They usually happen over time, depending on the amount of work that you have put in. However, humanity is going through a massive upgrade right now, whether they like it or not. It is a massive initiation on a global scale. The amount of emotional pain that needs to be released in order to shift and grow into these new frequencies is of a high magnitude, and it can trigger you if you are shifting similar frequencies.
If you’re not ready for an energetic upgrade it can blow a fuse in your brain, or shatter your vase. It can make you sick, come down with flu-like symptoms, and if it’s a very big upgrade it can knock you out for several days, or weeks even.
The physical body must acclimatise to the upgraded energetic frequencies of the life force energy in order to be able to contain it. This is what hurts so much, at times. People call these physical annoyances ‘ascension symptoms.” Many people are experiencing them right now, perhaps for the first time and don’t know what they are.
Some symptoms in no particular order include:
physical pain / aches and pains / fibromyalgia pain / stiffness / joint pain
neck/jaw stiffness, shoulder/back pain
tired /can’t sleep / sleeping too much /
headaches / dehydration / tinnitus
wired / hyper /agitated / numbness /
not hungry / starving / weight loss or gain / swelling or bloating / wanting food that isn’t your normal food / not wanting your normal food
tingles / nerve pain / buzzing in body
hot / cold flashes
anxiety for no reason
Lack of focus / foggy head / lack of clarity / forgetfulness and distraction
clumsy, having silly accidents like tripping up the stairs (no comment)
emotional numbness / emotional overwhelm / extreme emotion
You can see the symptoms are incredibly varied. Makes no sense, right? Well actually it makes a lot of sense. Your body as container has it’s own particular weaknesses, and so those are exploited when the life force energy is changing to a higher frequency.
There are also some amazing symptoms such as:
increase in intuition, connection, psychic ability
feeling a deep sense of inner peace, knowing that everything is going to be okay
increase in messages - songs in the head, signs all around,
feeling and seeing your angels
increase in motivation and hope,
big dreams seeming possible at last
A true Kundalini awakening can drive people to insanity if not handled correctly. You must be gentle with yourself. This is going to increase in intensity for a few more weeks, and continue for the rest of the year.
So if you’re a vegan and suddenly want a steak, have one without guilt. Or if you are a carnivore and need to have a few days of being a veggie, or a fruitarian, then listen to your body and do what it needs. Your body is transforming. You may also find that checking-in with your energy field is helpful. I can help with that - I have programmes on my website for free, to help with exactly this.
Here’s a visualisation you can try:
I hope this helps explain what you may be going through at the moment. It is a massive time for upgrades, and we are evolving rapidly. It is an honour to be alive right now. For years we have hidden in the background, now everybody is effected. Everyone is getting upgraded whether they want it or not. Ride the waves of it my friends, talk about it, don’t be worried, it’s all part of the plan.
NOTE: I am here to help. If you want support or to talk to like-minded people about this, come along to my telegram group, find a healing session on my website, or you can chat in the comments below.
You are always perfectly timed in delivering just the right messages. In the midst of unexpected chaos you help to reground us. 💕🙏🏻🎉
A real appreciation for all the information provided!!! ❤️🤩😍