Were the events of this past week the 'big wake-up-call' we were expecting?
And where the hell were all the 'journalists'? We have to be the journalists now.
I watched the heartbreaking press release organised by Dr Tess Lawrie and her team at the World Council for Health. Dr Aseem Malhoutra presented his evidence that the Covid shots are not safe nor are they effective. I wasn’t planning to watch it because I already know this. I also didn’t have much hope that this press conference would make a dent in the mainstream narrative. Dr Malhoutra may be a celebrity doctor, but once he joins the circle of anti-vaxxers, I anticipated that his treatment by those that revered him would shift to be similar to the treatment which is given to the rest of us.
However, as I am a big supporter of Dr Lawrie, I tuned in to support her. I didn’t expect it to be compelling viewing. I didn’t expect it to offer more, shocking evidence. But it did. I couldn’t look away. And when Dr Ryan Cole offered his slides and evidence to show exactly what the covid jab is doing to those who took it, I cried.
I cried at this quote, too, the one he shared at the end of his presentation. Because it’s true. Indifference is the opposite to life.
There was question-time at the end of the presentation, a time for the press to ask the questions. But where were the press? Ivor Cummins was there, as was John Bowe. But no representation from any of the mainstream (or as Hugo Talks calls them, lamestream). The camera focused on both Ivor and John Bowe when they asked their questions and I couldn’t get over the number of empty chairs in the room. It was almost as heartbreaking as the information that had just been divulged.
I take my consolation from these points:
Not everyone got the jab, some people got placebo’s, so not everybody will sicken to the extent that they expect them to.
We are powerful and can transform almost anything. Energy healing is working, quantum healing works, and good doctors are doing good work and coming up with solutions, too.
Some people’s soul path is down this road, we cannot save everyone, we have to let them go.
It’s all part of God’s plan.
It has to be part of God’s plan, if he’s the omnipotent being that we believe him to be, okay that we know him to be, then he already knows all of this. And he knows how we acted, and reacted, where it is going, and how it got to this point. So are we the mice in his experiment, the ones under observation, to see how we handle this? Were we too complacent in our comfortable lives, so much so that God allowed the darkness (that he created) to seep into the underbelly of the world and rise up like a cobra, hissing and threatening, shocking us into realisations that were not in the collective’s frontal cortex? Hints of the mice from Douglas Adam’s Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy come to mind. Always they hide these things in plain sight. Anyway, I digress.
I needed the afternoon to process my emotional response to the information from that press conference. I really felt for Dr Lawrie, and was heartened to see that she’s using the absence of the press to her advantage, by calling them out, and organising a conference for doctors who are still afraid to speak out. She is one heck of a woman.
But there’s more.
Later that evening, John Bowe released his documentary, called “Safe and Effective, a second opinion.” I was reluctant to watch it as I was already exhausted, but I needed to keep up, it seemed important. So I watched it.
Hard hitting? Yes, but not as difficult to watch as the evidence from the press release. This documentary is possibly something that people would be more in a position to sit through. It was professional, well paced, and thorough. Like it came from the BBC! And yet I still feel reluctant to send it to my family. Because it’s practically an “I told you so”. I had a feeling, then I knew, and now I have the evidence. We have the evidence. I told you so. We told you so. It doesn’t wash well.
I’m sorry the system and people you trusted lied to you. I am here when you want to talk. What more can we do? As Dr Malhoutra said to the woman who was double masked on the train “I can see that you’re still scared of Covid. I’m here if you want to talk about it”. Being compassionate is the only way forward.
We must be compassionate to ourselves as we process our grief, our disappointment, and our anger, and patient and compassionate with the others as they wake up.
I’ll leave you with this dialogue I had on Twitter yesterday. I like Michael, we have a back-and-forth and agree to disagree. This time, however, it was wonderful to be able to reference the videos, and the fact they’re still on YouTube is encouraging, because as you can see from the conversation below, many of the hypnotised are too afraid to venture onto Rumble, Bitchute and the other platforms that have given us our freedom of speech.
We have to be the journalists now. All the links in this document are live links, and there for your reference. I hope you share the fuck out of them all.

Two people close to us have been badly affected by the jabs. One is dead, the other won't be far behind I suspect.
Neither they nor their families connect this sharp health decline to the jabs. I have no doubt that the person still alive could be saved. I don't believe any of this is irreversible. But without a willingness to even consider what might be responsible, all we can do is be a sympathetic presence. Badgering or lecturing them would only drive a wedge between us.
I cannot imagine how the population as a whole will respond when the penny finally drops, as it's bound to. Hope it's a "soft landing"!
Hi, thank you for stepping forward Abby. For over two years I tried to get my own family to look at evidence that wasn’t on the news. I stopped about 6 months ago. I have moved on. In the meantime the MSM are puzzled about the summer XS deaths. There’s so much evidence it’s ridiculous. People, like my family - like us all - choose to trust people who’s main interest is money. And that includes the doctors. Follow the money … follow who funded “the science”. It is sad - especially for those with good hearts. But what to do. They will find out soon enough. ✨🪷🙏