We are talking to ourselves, going around in circles, in a vacuum.
While eating fried eggs and drinking coffee...
It’s Sunday, a great day for reading, but my concentration span is short, as it has been for the last 2 years. But I persevere.
I made myself 2 fried eggs on fresh home-made bread, and poured a cup of coffee. I no longer read the mainstream news so Substack has become one of my sources. Today I chose to read Margaret Anna Alice’s article - ‘Letter to the New York State Department of Health’, a comprehensive piece arguing against regulations. After reading her impassioned words I look at the comments, still enjoying my food, and read one from someone saying that he really enjoyed her letter but it was in vain as they already approved the regulations, ahead of schedule. He called what they did an illegal and unconstitutional act. I’m suddenly not enjoying my eggs anymore.
I also subscribe to Reclaim the Net, and there was an email waiting for me in my inbox with today’s headlines, so I looked at it. First headline is ‘Linkedin blocked links to natural immunity data’, well, that’s to be expected these days. Then I scroll down - ‘Telegram begins to block channels in Germany’, ‘Police are monitoring Facebook conversations’, and ‘Jon Stewart asks who gets to decide what is misinformation’ I click this last one because, well, I never really thought of it like that before. In it, Jon defends Joe Rogan, says he knows him personally, then he claims the New York Times was a giant purveyor of misinformation, so who gets to decide what is and isn’t acceptable to say? It’s a good question, and reminds me of cancel culture, what is woke, and what isn’t, and political correctness which was where it all started. It’s become very nasty now.
I wipe the last of my egg yolk off the plate with the last bit of crusty bread and take a sip of coffee. Cancel culture, not being able to speak out, not having a voice. How does this affect me? No wonder my attention span is so short, each time I read something I become incensed. I cannot do this to myself anymore.
Who indeed gets to decide what we are allowed to speak about? Isn’t this putting us all in chains?
A day or two ago there was an article in the Irish Times which was entitled “Lifting of restrictions in Ireland greeted as vindication by those who refused vaccine”. No, it was most definitely not. It was not greeted, and nobody is feeling vindicated. Yet the media don’t care, they go on their happy-clappy way, spouting out what they have been told they way they have been told to say it. They continue to frame the narrative way they have been told to frame it. I cannot listen anymore.
And why should I? Sure nobody is listening to us, and nobody except for us cares what we think. All my friends on Twitter speak the same language as me. We agree with each other, but this really isn’t a conversation.
That’s what has been severely missing - serious conversation, discussion of ideas between adults. Intelligent debate.
All the letters that we wrote - did the care, effort and energy behind them all end up on the same planet where the lost socks (and lost cat collars which I’ve just found out about) end up?
What’s the point of it all?
It is slowly sinking in.
Democracy means nothing, they do what they want, pretend to ask for advice and pass legislation before the end date because it suits them. There are no conversations, they give us no credit for intelligence, they don’t want to listen. As the data on harm and vaccines is becoming mainstream because it is unavoidable truth, they gaslight us so we once again feel like we are going insane. Just look at this article from Steve Kirsh, the subtitle being ‘Wow. I didn't think it could ever happen. A mainstream media TV station reported that a person died from the vaccine. The coroner said so. Am I hallucinating or is this for real?’
What happened really happened. I keep saying this and people keep saying ‘Thank you for saying this,’ for a reason. We are talking to ourselves, going around in circles in a vacuum.
We have lost the world we thought we lived in. Unless we have a billion dollars to pay everybody off, science, media and government belongs to those who own it. I watched Pierre Kory tear up as he described how he was shut down and his groundbreaking, lifesaving, potential plandemic-ending work ignored. The video is here, you can skip to the middle to watch his interview but the whole thing is well worth a watch.
This is not our fault.
Or maybe it is, for not seeing it for so long. For letting it get this bad.
But here we are. And what do we do? Is it too late to overcome them all? I think we are in the minority. Their divide and conquer strategy has prevented us, to some extent, from doing this:
I salute the Canadian Truckers and the people that are supporting them on the ground. We need to make community and support each other, just as they are doing. And we need to step away from the narrative to preserve our sanity.
Anchor into the earth, reconnect to the light, know that we can live our lives, create beautiful things, and still be the people that we were aspiring to be before all of this mess happened. But our expectations of the world around us have changed, we must also acknowledge that. I have learned that the people that want to be around us will rise up to meet us. And we must accept and learn how to let go of those who were never really there with us in the first place.
It hurts to see how disappointing the world is, how much evil is here. This is the grief that I have been speaking of. But we cannot get away from it now. Perhaps now, the world that we choose to live in can be richer because we can choose what to fill it up with. We can choose who to spend our time with, and what articles to read.
We are the heroes we have been waiting for. We can pick each other up, stop whirring around in circles and begin to build something new that we can be proud of. And leave the rest of them to it.
Hi Abby,
Interesting article. So I’ll just share. Not trying to shift anyone’s mind.
Mind you, I am on no side, really….I know too many people who have been hurt on both sides of the dilemma. I know people who have died from this virus, dear friends who lost loved ones. They are angry their loved ones didn’t do more to protect themselves. Just angry. Grieving.
We are ALL angry by now….I try to keep that in check, doing all the things, bringing in my own light….I’m angry at all of it, actually. I don’t know what is true and what is not. Round and round. I doubt everything. I’m extremely stressed.
All I can say is, over the course of my life, there have been many who have died from the flu virus - what we used to dread when I was a kid. Temperatures of 104, lying in bed for a week, coughing till our ribs cracked. Some years were worse than others. Most of us survived.
My parents dragged me to the Dr every fall for a “flu vaccine” from the time I was 6. I had NO say in the matter until I left home at 25. (I’m now 68.) After that, my profession (dental field) demanded I be vaccinated for a number of things….small pox, polio, tetanus, flu, Hepatitis B….you know, the CYA stuff. Except for the Hepatitis B in 1986, I’d had all the others. Before college, mom made me get measles and mumps vaccines too, as I never had either one - try as she might, to have my brother pass them to me. You were also not an adult at 18, the way you are now…..it was 21. Parents were still in charge. 😳
I do know that in my profession, masks worked very well at reducing our exposure to disease from patients who chose to come to us when they were sick - or about to be. I wore a mask at work, day in and day out, for 30 years. The kids loved to take a mask home so they could pretend dentist! There was no fear in this.
This was all a LONG time ago….I am old. Things were VERY different. There was very little science, no place like the internet to look stuff up, and people trusted their Dr’s. There was no CDC. Heck, no one even had insurance back then. Not till the 70’s sometime. Life was lived on a different plane.
Also, I was privileged and white, which we know makes a huge difference in who gets health care here in the US, and the quality of that care. In this country, systemic racism is a huge player. We don’t love our black/brown brothers and sisters the way we do those with light skin. Pity this, that our love is so limited.
Even alternative medicine - very expensive here in the States.
When I switched to mostly alternative medicine about 15 years ago, my friends back home thought I was really really odd. When I changed my diet to manage my gut issues - a few criticized me - “you won’t be socially acceptable” they said. Because I can’t eat gluten or dairy??? Really?
I discontinued getting vaccines in 2003. Now that I’m old, I’m told I need Shingles vaccine, and 2 kinds of pneumonia vaccines. I have refused. I was in and out of my mother’s and my brother’s nursing homes for 15 years, and never got shingles or pneumonia. Neither did my brother. 🤷🏼♀️
I’ve read about the Joe Rogan issue. My beef with him is his disrespect for women and persons of color. While he is entitled to his opinions about that, however, I find both offensive to me personally. And I have boundaries about them.
On the vaccine stuff, it is just blah, blah, blah…nothing I haven’t already heard.
I have spent a lot of time with alternative medicine folks….so I understand vaccine risks. As I said, I know people I love who have been vaccinated, and some who have not. Some have gotten sick with Covid, some have not. A few who were very compromised with their general health, died from Covid. Some recovered. Some with vaccines get sick anyway (just like with my flu shots long ago), some don’t. Oh and yeah, most of the kids in my elementary school didn’t get flu shots, by the way - $$$$. They were no more sick, any more often than I was. Just saying.
It is obvious to me that there are other factors with this virus which determine who gets sick and who does not. Factors that have been overlooked by science at this point. Or, more likely, are not yet discoverable by the means we have. Some days it is one big f-ing experiment.
I’m on and off with vaccines in general. Have they saved lives? Sure - with small pox and polio decidedly so. In college, I had a friend in an iron lung machine from polio. She died at age 40. What I do see, and distrust, is that we will enter another “vaccine tunnel” - just like with flu - you need a vaccine every year for this stuff. I am very unsure I’m willing to go there at this point. There is so much unknown….and THAT is what I find frightening. We don’t know what we don’t know.
It isn’t political for me. Just many unanswered questions. And who is profiting from this in the end? It is all about $$$ somewhere along the line. I’m not a conspiracy theory person either….however, my gut senses that in the beginning, this virus was experimental, possibly for biological weapons, and there was an “accident” - or not. Perhaps it is a blessing that only a few million have died and not the entire planet…..I don’t know. I don’t say that lightly. It is suffering. We are all suffering in ways too numerous to count.
So just some random thoughts from and old woman.
Peace to all,
Abby, I was honored to learn my letter inspired this beautiful meditation. I love how you arc from enjoyment to dejection to cynicism to anger to introspection and ultimately to courageous hope. That last paragraph gave me goosebumps.