Too many energy updates for the month of September may do you more harm than good.
It’s a buffet table and you get to choose what to eat, how much to eat, and what to leave behind.
Many people are producing “Energy Update” videos for the month at hand. It’s become quite a trend now, and finding someone who you resonate with and trust is becoming harder to do. I was just watching someone new, he seemed genuine and honest. However, what he was saying felt so general, yet manipulative. I realised that if I allowed myself to, I’d take what he was saying deeply into my subconscious mind and then I would create it, so I turned it off mid-way through.
Don’t get me wrong, he was a lovely guy, very gentle, and I’m sure, coming from his best intentions. If he felt he was being genuine and true, then that’s what we pick up when we see him and we believe he is genuine and true, however, it doesn’t mean his information is accurate. And even if it was, the point here is this - we are at a stage in our evolution where we are beginning to be more empowered. Humans are susceptible to so many influences that we don’t realise how much of our thoughts are not our own, our actions are pre-determined, and our worries come from the collective. By absorbing the information he was giving, his best intentions notwithstanding, I found myself being influenced and I switched it off. It made me wonder how many of you are able to catch this in yourselves and do the same thing.
I always say, ‘disconnect from what’s outside of you and reconnect to your heart’, and switching someone off when you find them getting inside of your head is part of the practice of doing exactly that. Knowing what your boundaries are and understanding why you’re watching an energy update helps greatly. I was watching this person because a friend recommended him, I knew I didn’t need the information. But many people feel they do need it. Seeking knowledge with an edge of fear inside of you really does open you to being influenced by someone outside of you. Which is what we are trying to get away from.
Seeing knowledge is important, so come to it in a different way. See it clearly, unemotionally, as if all the information is laid out on a banquet table with many other options, and you are not starving. This way, you can take what you need, and leave the rest for later. Know that it’s there for you if you want it, and you can always come back for more.
What I’m saying is that it’s important to go look, get the information, and digest it slowly. Look at your intentions before you go, and know that if you’re going to the table to get emotional support, then you’re going to eat for comfort, and not necessarily get all the nutrients that you need. I know this well, it’s what I’ve been doing for years. But now I meet my own emotional needs, and the information on the banquet table is there for my perusal, and not as a crutch or to fill some aching hole deep inside me that needs validation and love. So it’s relatively easy for me to walk away if I catch myself becoming caught up in it all.
Take it as a learning opportunity.
At some point, with the amount of information we all have access to, it becomes too much. What dishes are calling you to eat them first? There’s way too much choice, too many voices calling for your attention. If you were going there with fear to be alleviated, your fear can quickly become overwhelm. Conflicting information creates confusion and dis-ease can knock you off centre. It can be very difficult to get back up again after that.
All I’m saying is that you get to be the one who decides what your energy is going to be like in September. Or in any other month. By mastering your emotions, your response-ability, you are always in control of yourself. And that’s really the only thing that you are in control of. So work on that, from within, and leave the banquet table for someone else. It could be an intense act of power for you to choose to not listen to anything else but your own heart this month.
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This is fantastic! I've found that I have had to be more deliberate over time. I've narrowed down my choice of "follows" considerably. I now try to see it as seeking inspiration - something that becomes genuinely sparked from within via another perspective... Or perhaps I'll stumble upon a new tool or technique that resonates and is of benefit. Or - discovering that a concept becomes better understood on a more visceral level when shared by certain individuals/ via certain means.... Inspo!
Hi Abby! Thank you for your wonderful insights- as always!
Am curious- what did you find manipulative in this energy update you watched?
Was it that perhaps he was stating things as if that’s the only truth/way (eg “you are going to feel strong waves of energy upgrade which will feel uncomfortable” or smth like that)?
Could it be that for all of us at different levels of development these things affect us differently?