To the person on Instagram that said I wasn't a real lightworker
because I have not made a comment about the atrocities in Gaza
To the person on Instagram that said I wasn’t a real lightworker because I have not made a comment about the atrocities in Gaza - do I have to? Must I condemn all violent acts of war against children, women and men to be a “true lightworker” in your eyes?
For I am not familiar with them all - would you have me excavate all the examples of babies blown apart across the world? For ALL babies are valuable, not just those in Gaza. Would you have me bury myself in the pain of it to satisfy a need in you? Because as an empath I cannot help but feel.
Or would you rather that I held my frequency as a point of light in the grid of consciousness so that more people can lift up and say “No more violence - violence of any kind towards anyone.”
Don’t get me started on violence towards animals too… For animals have a soul and feel pain - all animals. Why should I ignore those creatures too? I cannot.
There is an overwhelming amount of pain in the world at the present time. If I do not speak out on all of it it is because I am unable to. Because I do not have the words to express the depth of emotion that comes with the recognition and acknowledgement of man’s inhumanity to man. I would rather pray.
I ask God how many babies need to have their limbs torn apart by violence before He knows what it is like to be a baby violently torn apart. Surly it’s enough? How many would suffice? Does the gnostic evil God still walk as the ruler of this realm? Who is it that I pray to anyway? Where is our beneficent creator? The true creator of all things? Does he even care about us?
All of these questions tumble through my mind and yet you accuse me of not being a “true lightworker”. What is a true lightworker anyway? What is a human? What is our true history and what is real in our present situation? Conflicting information abounds - all I know for certain is we are in a psychological war. An information war. We don’t know what is real and what is not real. And we are, all of us in pain in some way because of it.
Look at yourself in the mirror for the part of you that aches and do not blame me because you are in pain and I did not satisfy some urge of yours to say certain words in particular. I don’t have that power to take away your pain, only God can do that by your invitation.
And again, “Which God is the god that takes away our pain?” I ask myself as I am constantly asking these days. I say again, the more I think I know the more I realise that I actually know nothing. What a way to be! But what I do know is this - perhaps a statement by me could alleviate the burden of pain that you carry, but there will always be something else to drive a dagger deeply into your heart. A statement of mine on any social media platform will not stop atrocities of war. But maybe prayer can. Maybe prayer can. Maybe, prayer can.
To which I can add only, 'Hear, hear'.
And perhaps also urge that Instagram critic to reflect on these words:
"All I know for certain is we are in a psychological war. An information war. We don’t know what is real and what is not real."
It's the same attitude as a tween saying "you're not a real Taylor Swift fan, 'cause you can't name all of her songs".