So many heated subjects that I need to comment on, to add my opinion to. Or do I need to at all? I wonder why I have the song “Mary” running circles around in my head -
Oh Mary, why don’t you have some sense?
Please do something to restore my confidence…
Ahh, I see the why, now. Why now?
Why hath the world lost its reign on common sense? Perhaps it was never there to begin with.
The sleepers stay asleep whilst more of us awaken to the idiocy that is our world at this present time. We wonder would it be better to stay sleeping, or should we wake up some more of the sleepers.
Am I bothered? Am I really bothered? Or am I just telling myself that I am?
In a world gone mad, if we were bothered about EVERYTHING then we would have little energy left for the most important things, such as - do my children feel loved? Are they secure in who they are? And do they have enough clean underwear?
Okay they’ve been doing their own laundry for a while now, but you see what I mean - what is here right in front of us is what we need to care about most. I have no qualms about running out into the garden in the rain with a torch at 11.30pm to check my baby Dahlia’s for slugs. Or to send an old friend who doesn’t think like I do a meme that made me laugh and ask “Do you remember when?”, or to simply arrive on my father’s doorstep for a hug.
I do care.
I tried to explain how the new hate speech laws were going to be passed whether we liked them or not to my 19 year old son. He said, “Mum, Ireland hasn’t been a democracy for a very long time.” That was a surprise to hear from him. Because I have only been realising it myself, of late. And he’s not bothered about it. I found that interesting. He does what he wants when he wants, and leaves everybody else to it.
I realise that with all of my efforts to protect my children, perhaps I didn’t need to in the first place. They don’t seem to be as bothered about the things that I’m bothered about - perhaps I should take a step back from it all? Perhaps we all should.
We must get our priorities right. We must pick our battles too - there are plenty of people battling on social media, sending out fake news, documentaries and reports. Most of this information deliberately shoves a crowbar into the structure of the world that we have created, the structure that we believe this world to be. But I have always wondered if it was real, thinking this way was a pastime for me, for most of my life. I have no problem with this way of thinking, however, many people have huge problems with it, and it’s really shaking them to their core.
Is the world flat? Is it round? Is it round and flat? Will we ever find out? Does it really matter?
I believe nothing anyone tells me now. And yet I’m open to listening to all of it, as I am fascinated with our current process of growth and evolution. This is all part of it - changing the stories we tell ourselves as we creep further away from our proverbial “Mama” to discover the world for ourselves. Mama, here, could be the bible, the history we learned at school, our government; it is whatever we invested ourselves into as being the foundation of everything that we believe in. It’s breaking, and the darkness is taking advantage of our heartbreak around this, and using it as a weapon against us.
How do we know what is true?
All of this bombardment of new information - it is part of the spiritual war we are in. I’ll say it again - This is spiritual warfare. It is a deliberate attack on our spirit.
Because if you don’t care about climate change you’re a….
Or if you don’t care about the children then you’re even worse than a…
We care. We care too much. So our energy becomes shattered, trying to juggle and dance with all of the “big important things” that are vying for our attention. We must keep up with the latest from whoever we feel is telling truth. Then we question whether they are credible, whether their truth matches our truth… This is an unending battle. The darkness within the light is showing itself. We must keep track of the darkness too so it doesn’t spill over and into our homes. We lose our spiritual energy trying to speak about how we really feel in a delicate way so that we won’t be attacked for it, or call too much attention to ourselves. Or we go the opposite way gung ho! and on the rampage all the time, attack attack attack the best form of defence is attack. And hurting ourselves, and others in the process.
All the while we are loosing sight of what is at stake here - our soul.
We need to do a spiritual workout so we become stronger and can pull ourselves out of what is not important, because it is not really that important. Not really. Many of my friends call it “a movie” and it certainly seems that way. Especially when you look at the contradictions and plot twists, and where they are all coming from. It’s almost as if they know what’s on your mind, can tell your deepest fears, and then they show you an advert of something you thought you might need to prove that they are already inside you.
We must get stronger. Let’s do some spiritual working out. Right now. To reclaim our power, and to centre and ground ourselves.
The warm up:
Say out loud - I do not consent to dark energy lurking in my field. Be gone now!
If you waver saying this then you need to say it again, over and over, until you feel much stronger with it. More certain. And of course, you can use your own words, or change mine up until they fit for you. This is a bit like tidying up the room before you lay down your yoga mat.
The workout:
Everything you know is a lie. How do you feel about that?
Really ask yourself this question, and think of the implications of it. Write down how you feel, write down what you think. Go as deep as you are able to. This could take a while.
What if the statement “everything is a lie” is the truest thing that you will hear today? Or ever?
Sit with it. Detach your attachment to everything you think is real. You’re still here, yes? Good!
Now. Name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can feel, 2 things that you know for sure.
Then do the exercise again with those 2 things - do you really know them for sure?
Well done.
The cool down:
Feel your bare feet on the grass/pull your energy into yourself.
Give yourself permission to be emotional.
Give yourself permission to be with the unknowing. This is a difficult thing to do but once you do it, it is very free-ing.
Tell yourself that you are doing great. Because you are.
Make a cup of tea and take a break.
Because you will still have to cook the dinner, do the laundry, hug your children. You will have to get up in the morning and go to bed at night. And check your dahlias for slugs, if you’re growing dahlias.
See - the truth is always hiding in plain sight. And they tell it to us while we are still so very young that we don’t even know it is the key everything. Or is it?
We live in this reality - whether it be God’s dream or our dream; whether we are the gods dreaming the dream, or it’s all a simulation in someone else’s computer on another planet, in another universe.
So if it is a dream, I want my part of it to be merry. I’ve worked hard enough for it, and I will not be torn to shreds by some spiritual being who wants to feed off my weakness and take away my soul because I care too much about something that is outside of me. Or maybe it’s inside of me. Perhaps that thing that I care about doesn’t actually exist? Perhaps it does. I don’t know anything anymore, and I have to live with that. And so do you!
Let me know in the comments what you think, your workout results, and if you’d like me to do some more spiritual workouts for you. Ultimately, it is our heart that is our inner compass, and that is what guides us back home, to ourselves.
PS - The Inner Compass Trilogy, my novel in 3 parts, follows Marissa as she goes through a spiritual crisis of Awakening, Transformation and Expansion. It has lots of spiritual truths in it and you might find it interesting read, if you like what I wrote here. You can find it online, wherever you choose to buy your books.
I have always believed that the world is insane and has been all my life. However up to about 3 years ago I assumed I was alone in thinking this. Now I can see others feel the same, so overall the advent of the "pandemic" has been a plus (for me anyway).
This morning while getting the groceries the check-out assistant asked me if I had an "app". I had to ask him to repeat the question but when I finally grasped what he was asking me I replied that, not only did I not have the "app", I didn't even have a smartphone! It was yet another sign of the ever-widening chasm between the world and me.
I used to think I had to adapt to the world or I'd be left behind. Now I don't mind anymore as long as I can read great advice like "Feel your bare feet on the grass".
Thanks Abby.
Thank You Abby I really needed this 💗 Thank You.