The truth will set you free
My thoughts on why some people didn't get sucked into the mass formation
I was inspired to write this when I read Gerry O’Neill’s latest substack. He wrote about his thoughts in response to an interview of Mattias Desmet by John Waters. I have not seen that particular interview, but I know Desmet’s work well, as he is the one that popularised the phrase ‘Mass Formation’ which was then turned into ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ by Robert Malone. (Click here if you would like to see Discussion on Mass Formation with Dr. Robert Malone, Prof. Mattias Desmet & Dr. Peter McCullough which I saw five months ago, I recommend it.)
If you have time, do give his substack a read. (After you finish reading mine of course!)
Gerry recognised that:
Mattias Desmet identified two phenomena that remain largely unexplained in mass formation. The first is that highly intelligent people are surprisingly susceptible to falling beneath its spell. Another way of phrasing that, might be to say, that above average intellects have an above average chance of succumbing to its questionable charms.
The second “ I don’t know “ moment of this interview was centred around a repeating anomaly identified in every different historical wave of mass formation psychosis. Namely, that mass formation theories, as they have evolved, have never satisfactorily explained why there’s always been a small group of people highly unsusceptible to its adaption into their being. Discovering commonalities or generalities amongst that group has not been easy. Or maybe the more accurate way of looking at it, might be to say, that sufficient study hasn’t been vigorously enough explored in this arena
I feel that I have an answer to this. I actually wrote to Dr Desmet with my reasoning after watching the YouTube video but he did not respond. Heck, it was worth a shot! I’ll write about it here instead as I feel it is important to speak about it, and I look forward to your thoughts in the comments, because I’m open to listening, and to discussion. More importantly, I’m open to changing my mind, and, admitting when I get something wrong, which is a rare quality in the world right now, from what I can see.
Rare qualities. See - that’s what these people have, these few courageous people who are not afraid to face the truth, and give it the value and importance that it deserves. For the truth is bigger than you or me, and that must be acknowledged. Most people don’t want to acknowledge this, and they do not want to put themselves in the firing line. But I believe that being lazy and staying in your comfort zone has a price.
Acknowledging the truth is not comfortable.
I always thought admitting that you didn’t know a thing was honest, authentic and real. I was pulled up for it in a teaching job once, they wanted me to make up an arbitrary answer for my clients, rather than tell them that I didn’t know a thing. I couldn’t do it, it went against every fibre in my body. So, I didn’t do it; instead, I simply neglected to tell my manager that I continued to say ‘I don’t know’. What I did do, however, was also say, ‘but I’ll do some research, find out the answer and let you know.’ All of my clients received this with gratitude. They preferred not to be lied to, just as I preferred not to lie. It was more respectful, both to me and to my clients, and it brought us into the realms of having a truthful adult relationship. But to do this, I had to break the rules. So I took the risk because I chose to do what was right. I believe this is a characteristic of the courageous few.
Living an authentic and truthful life is a choice. If you value truth, then living truthfully sets the tone for everything else in your life. You can’t half-do it. It has to be all-in, or it doesn’t count. Well, it does for me. The thing is - authenticity, integrity and congruence, which are integral to living a truthful life, are values that are not revered by society. These are things we are not taught in school - I never hear the word congruence until I studied how to become a psychotherapist. The phrase ‘as above, so below’ means being congruent. And a lack of congruence is the main impediment to manifesting with the Law of Attraction. Of course the mainstream, woo-woo, New Age, instant gratification manifestation classes happen to leave this part out. Because, well, it would change their whole movement, wouldn’t it? I’ll write more about this another day, perhaps.
Living a virtuous life is different to virtue-signalling to show the world what an amazingly good person you are. If you are a genuinely good person, you know that you are, and you don’t need to do that. Isn’t it interesting how the un-virtuous must constantly signal their compliance to the rules?
We live in a world that doesn’t want us to be courageous, authentic, truthful, and have integrity. They want us to be lazy, and to tell lies. Look around you - it’s all about the few pints at the weekend, the two-week holiday once a year, the free donuts. Many movies and television shows are based on the premise that telling lies and being lazy is acceptable. But it really isn’t. Not by my standards.
The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.
Those of us brave enough to place truth above ego, truth above pride, truth above money; those of us who are open to listening, to gathering new information, and to changing our minds, those of us who are willing to break the rules and take the risk in order to keep our conscience clean and clear, that’s what sets us apart. We are a rare few indeed.
The love of truth is a transcendent love.
I had to leave this here. The love of truth is akin to a love of God. Because God is truth. The love of God is akin to the love of beauty, because beauty is truth. And the love of truth, maps to the love of love. Because God is love. It’s where we need to be going.
Keats said it:
Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know
Prince said it:
Love is God, God is love
Girls and boys love God above
( His song, Anna Stesia takes on a completely new meaning when you realise that Anna Stesia actually means anesthesia - you can look up the complete lyrics here)
What do you think? Have I left something out? I look forward to the discussion below.
Wonderful article, thank you.
I agree this is something that should be looked into further but I am too cynical to believe that it would be allowed (or acknowledged if it were) as it would provide too many de-programming routes for the majority.
I’ll add my understanding of how I personally believe I became part of the non-compliance group as many will be in a similar situation to me. It’s something I have thought long about, why don’t I think what they think etc, as for me it has been (and still is) an uncomfortable part of my life and one reason why I have no friends and have always found it hard to get along with others in a meaningful way. Loneliness sparks introspection in most of us I think.
I grew up in an abusive home, with a drunk father who beat my mother. As a child I was afraid a lot of the time and learnt to hide, distrust everyone and rebelled in the only way I could - not doing what I was told. Even today if someone tries to tell me what to do, as opposed to ask me, I automatically don’t want to do whatever it is! (I recognise this isn’t particularly helpful in most cases!)
At school I was an outsider because no one could come to play at my house, we had little money and my social skills were poor due to lack of good examples. This meant I didn’t develop the social group programming in the same way as other children.
I firmly believe that the distrust of others that my upbringing taught me, along with the lack of social interaction and therefore programming, is what allows me to see the lines of control and, if I choose to, step outside of them.
I also believe that people who had safe, happy, uneventful childhoods are the ones most likely to fall victim to control as adults. They were taught that other people can be trusted to keep them safe, they have never had reason to doubt, question, challenge or fight for their own safety and sanity. I obviously wish that we could all have happy, safe lives, and do not wish abuse on anyone, but the flip side of that comfort is often a dangerous and short sighted naivety.
Good day Abby,
DuAnne Redus and Lulu share very insightful wisdom. There is another aspect to the outlier at least in me and fortunately my wife. We don't trust our senses. Just as DuAnne and Lulu have share being strangers in society and also finding out that what society teaches is upside down. Our senses cannot be trusted.
Example: I worked in the woods, brush and grasslands most of my life. Rattlesnakes are common. My dad had no use for them. I asked myself why would a rattle snake bite me?
Well if I step on it, it would bite. I don't think anyone likes being stepped on. Also it is reflexive. If something pricks us or hurts in some way, we try reflexively to free ourselves. So that seemed a good excuse for the snake to bite me.
But I just couldn't believe that the rattlesnake had an instinctual wish to bite humans. They can't eat us etc. So I never killed them. I have never been bitten. I have been more than close enough to be bitten but they stayed coiled.
So I am by nature skeptical and I try my best to understand the other side. I am not always successful at understanding. But that is my short coming.
Why would a virus harm anyone? We drive or ride in cars everyday and at anytime we are riding/driving a car we can be severely injured or killed. No one worries about that. We have air, water, food and soil pollution, no one worries about that. Why this virus?
When I look at all the death and destruction that we actually can do collectively something about and don't, why do we freak out about this virus? Cancer and heart disease, all the autoimmune disease and on and on. Why are we freaked out about this virus?
For me it doesn't make sense. Dr. Lynn Margulis an amazing microbiologist (deceased) said if the micro biome and virome didn't want us here we wouldn't be here. They can easily dismantle us. And virus are not alive. Now days folks on the attack talk about them as intelligent enemies.
So the questions remain and the whole SarsCov2 or MonkeyPox drama reeks. Therefore we remain outliers.