No New Year’s resolutions required here, just a good night’s sleep.
I have been sleeping better - here's what I'm doing in case it helps.
It’s the eve of New Year’s Eve, rah rah rah. Honestly, all I care about right now is getting a night’s sleep. It makes such a difference - especially as we are processing so much information right now. Solar information mainly, in my case, as I have stepped away from the ‘greatest show on earth’. Drones or spaceships? I don’t care, not really. Aliens or lizards? Okay, whatever. Have I slept enough? Now that’s the real question.
Maybe you’re in the same predicament too? Well here is the good news - I have been sleeping because I’ve started doing (and not doing) a few things, and it’s working. I wanted to share with you. Now, I have to admit, they don’t work every night, and some nights I’m too overwhelmed with processing the day’s lightcodes/drama/food mistakes that I forget to do them, and needless to say I spend the night in a short sleep/wake cycle, too tired to remember what to do, but not tired enough to sleep.
Anyway. We are all human -so no New Year’s resolutions required here, just a good night’s sleep. The season’s cycles just don’t match the calendar for me by a long shot, not for years, so any resolutions I make will always wait until Spring.
Abby’s How-To-Sleep-Better List
We are affected differently at different times of the month, different phases of the Moon. Our bodies are affected by barometric pressure, temperature, or whether or not there has been a solar flare. So some of these will work better at certain times, and may not work as well during others. The best thing I can say to you is this - Know Thyself and work with yourself, not against yourself.
You shouldn’t do all of these things at once, because when you make lots of changes at the same time you won’t know exactly which one is having the most effect. But I do all of them most of the time.
Here is my list in no particular order.
Be prepared to have to make an effort to get a good night’s sleep.
It isn’t happening naturally - so you need to get to know yourself, understand what is going on for you, and support yourself by doing something to help yourself relax more - because ultimately that’s an issue. Not being relaxed and going to bed wound up, stiff and in physical pain doesn’t lend itself to a good night’s sleep.
Drink electrolytes.
Yes this is annoying, but it really helps - and you can find electrolytes that you actually like the taste of. From drops in your water to fizzy tablets, salts in a sachet or just a pinch of salt - you need electrolytes to actually become hydrated. Once you are hydrated, your body is more at ease with itself.
Take magnesium before you go to bed.
Magnesium capsules are amazing, they help your muscles relax. You will have to decide which brand to use as I’m not selling anything here. I find if I take about 400mg it can take 15-20 minutes to kick-in, and I have a notch or two down on the muscle tightness scale.
You can get magnesium creams, magnesium oils and magnesium rubs - these are all great too for localised areas where your muscles are tight and sore. I find the oils with scents don’t agree with me, but if you like lavender, go for it.
If you can take a magnesium salt bath that would be even better. I can’t do it as I live with 3 long-haired teenagers and a dog that think’s it’s a human so I’d have to scrub the bath out before even thinking if I have enough hot water for a bath, let alone not stay in there too long as we only have 3 toilets in the house…
Know how the things you eat/drink/watch/listen to before bed affect you.
Have a drink or don’t have a drink - it’s up to you! Sugar will activate the body, cheese can give you nightmares. I have nothing against having a glass of wine, or a chamomile tea, depending on my mood or the company I’m in. Hot chocolate, well, okay, perhaps the sugar thing isn’t so bad - but seriously - this is totally up to you as everybody’s body is different. If you can’t have a coffee after 4pm because it keeps you awake, then don’t have a coffee. Take control and be disciplined if it helps you sleep! I can drink tea right up to bedtime and it doesn’t bother me - in fact, I often enjoy a late night cuppa cha before bed.
Just as sugar activates your nervous system, strong emotive content can activate you too - you don’t want to listen to an emotive podcast, watch a scary movie or just check X one more time before you hit the sack… you never know what you will find there. Which leads me onto the next point which is…
Be in your power before you go to bed
I will never watch horror movies, not even during the day, because if they are any good, they illicit dark energies. By watching them you are giving consent to them to enter your energy field. I don’t watch crap tv because I feel it’s a waste of my time, and I don’t watch mindless reels, shorts, or tik toks before bed as you never know what is coming next in the feed, and there might be something shocking in there waiting to jump out. The algorithm is designed to keep you stuck there, and I like to be in my own power before I go to bed. I am the master of my Self! Discipline is not such a bad word, not really.
Release all emotions and unfinished business from the day
Anger and animosity are not good bedfellows. Write a list for tomorrow of what you need to do. Scan the day briefly and catch anything that was off, note any unfinished business, and then it is noted. If it keeps coming up in your mind, you can remind yourself that you have it on the list and you will look after it tomorrow. Then do some mindful breathing and releasing to clear it from your energy and immediate awareness.
If the emotions are difficult to manage I have many meditations that can help. Here are a few of them:
Remove unnecessary stresses on the body, heart and mind.
This includes all of the pressure you put on yourself to do things/be good enough/ be a nice person. You don’t have to! Just focus on getting that night’s sleep as your first priority - really - when you are not exhausted or in sleep deficit you actually have more tolerance for other people’s shenanigans. And this is a perfect excuse not to push ridiculous resolutions on yourself. It really is so freeing. Just ask yourself -
Do I really need to have the last word?
Is this actually worth loosing a night’s sleep over?
Am I really that bothered about this?
Can I give them the benefit of the doubt?
Then work with one or all of these affirmations - really go deep with them, use them as antidotes to your conditioning.
I accept myself completely as I am in this moment now
I meet myself where I am, and I support myself in every moment
I am my own best friend
I deserve a good night’s sleep
If you don’t know how to do it here is a short video I made about it.
And hey presto - the pressure has been removed! Really - if there’s nothing you can do about it today, then don’t add the burden
(If you want more affirmations, you can get my 2025 One Day at a Time Diary where I give 3-5 affirmations per week based on the energies of that week PLUS meditations/healing exercises for each week of the coming year - just click here)
Get a weighted blanket
Yes - really! I got one from Amazon, they delivered it quickly and even better, because it was on Prime it had free shipping even though it weighed a ton. Yes I get Amazon Prime. And yes, I know that there’s issues right now with shipping all around the world - so maybe you can find one local. It is worth the effort, as the weight makes your body stop thrashing around restlessly - it’s like a comforting hug. If you can’t, maybe a few heavy blankets on top of your duvet will do the trick.
Get a Cork Trigger Point Set
This really, really works. It’s amazing actually - and you can do it on yourself with some simple tools. Each one has a different function and works on different parts of the body.
I know they look weird! But this has been a game changer for me. You don’t even have to roll them on your body, just push into them, and they help your body to relax at a deeper level.
The ball - I use the cork ball to roll out tight muscles in my back and hips, and shoulders - up against the wall. It takes a while to get used to it, and it can be very painful - the idea is to go slow and deep, and be mindful of what you are doing, rather than cross-fit gung-ho rolling. Seriously - this can be very sore to do, but your body feels great after.
The roller - it’s actually for your feet - bare foot while standing up, step on the roller and slowly push down onto it, you can hit the reflexology points in your body this way and relax the whole body. You can do this standing up in front of the TV at the end of the day instead of sitting on the sofa.
The peanut - this one my favourite even though it looks weird. It lives in my bed behind my pillows and I just grab it, even in the middle of the night - if I find myself awake it’s usually because I forgot to use this. Once I use it I tend to go back to sleep almost right away. You lie down and place your head onto it at the base of your neck and push your head down into it. You will find tender spots in the back of your head you never knew were there. Be gentle and soft - they get better over time, and it really does help your whole body go into ‘shut down’ mode.
Say your prayers before getting into bed
This one may be controversial but I find this incredibly helpful, and very complimentary after releasing the emotions and unfinished business of the day. What I cannot do I hand over to God, and I can actively hand it over through prayer. My inner child loves this as she knows that we have named the issue, handed it over for a few hours anyway, and that in God’s hands, it transforms. The urgency and need to fix and change has left me, and I go to bed in a calm state of mind knowing that I have done all that I can that day, and my job now is to get some rest.
Clear the energy of your house once a month, and your bedroom every few days
Being a lightworker I use clearing techniques often as I am sensitive to energies. I also don’t assume I know everything, and I get a second opinion from time to time in case I miss something, particularly when I clear the house. But clearing the bedroom before bed is simple enough - here is a technique you can try. This work comes with some serious disclaimers and I would ask that you really sit with these before doing anything here.
Important disclaimer: some people find brightening up their energy field easier than dimming it down - and you can’t go to bed and sleep when you are bright. You will be more wired than before. So you could clear the room during the day, and have it ready for yourself for later.
Please note: this is a gentle clearing technique not a deep clean. If you have dark energies in your house this may not make any difference. You could consider finding someone to help you do a land clearing. I made a video for my podcast about this with someone who does exactly this, so click here if you want to learn more.
Stand at the foot of your bed, facing the headboard. Breathe and bring yourself into the present moment - feel your feet on the ground.
Visualise yourself as a ball of light, slowly becoming brighter, your energy activating, expanding and opening out into the room.
You become a big ball of bright light, burning and strong.
Expand your light outwards to fill the whole room - burning away anything dark and dusty, shrivelling up cobweb like energy in the corners of your room, sending away all the insects out from under the bed. See them dissolving until there is nothing left in the room but the light that you are
Stay with it for a minute or two, then begin to dim the light that is you, as if you are a dimmer switch, fading gradually until you become a soft glow.
Sit with it then, allow the room to settle, your body to settle, and your mind too. This helps burn unwanted energies off of you, too.
Let go of the images and breathe, and soften, and come back to the room, the present moment and to your heart. Feel the ground beneath your feet. Well done.
Again, notice how you feel after doing this. You might not want to hop straight into bed, but use the cork trigger point set at this point to unwind a little first.
Move your phone and electrics away from your bed, or out of your bedroom altogether
Yes this has to be said, and yes, I don’t do this all the time. But it can help. Try it and see if it does.
Take a night off from the astral every so often
You can say out loud to nobody in particular, ‘I need a good night’s sleep tonight, I am not available for work, so please leave me be.’ Okay, it doesn’t always work, (ha ha), but sometimes it does. Try it and see if it makes any difference to the quality of your sleep.
Decide that you actually deserve a full night’s sleep, at least once in a while
If you are not in alignment in your heart, mind, body and soul that you deserve a night’s sleep, then you won’t get one. So work on that - find out which part of you feels like it’s okay to walk around like a zombie. Which aspect of you thinks that its fun to be at half capacity with a muddled brain? Because, like it or not, there are advantages to not being fully functional, in that you have an excuse for not doing the things that you say or think that you should be doing.
Maybe you are putting too much on your plate? Allow yourself to rest - think of all the reasons why you are not allowed to rest and you might find some child-like aspect of you feels like everyone else is suffering in your life so you need to suffer too. Talk to this part of you as if it is a child and explain that you’re no good to anyone if you’re sleep deprived. Here’s a meditative space you can use to have this conversation:
Being afraid of your dreams is another reason why you might not be sleeping
Okay this is a big one. Clear your energy, clear your room, talk to the inner aspects of yourself and even after all of that, you could still be left with some level of fear within you.
Firstly - know yourself (I know it’s getting a little repetitive), and know that if you have faced the skeletons in your closet, you will be fine. If you have not faced them then perhaps 2025 is the year to do it. Decide to get professional help and promise yourself you will actually do it this time.
Secondly, the fear might be from the collective, and not all of it yours. There could be some frequency in you, however, that keeps drawing it back to you. Avoid horror movies, use the energy clearing technique (above) often during the day, and tell yourself that you do not need to be a janitor for the collective. Ask to be shown what you can do for the collective to be an actual help, instead of drifting aimlessly through the fields of consciousness and becoming dipped into whatever you may find there. This may seem more complicated than it actually is - it’s all about your intention.
Be slow, be grace-filled, be in your power and be present to your Self before bed.
I hope you have found something in this quite long list that you can try if you’ve not been sleeping. Sleep is so important, and when we look back on this past year and realise how overwhelming it has been, it makes it all the more vital that we get rest.
From what I can tell, next year will be even more intense, which makes it all the more important for us to know how we can get a good night’s sleep.
Remember - you are the master of your own life, the most important thing you can do is know yourself, look after yourself and clear your energy. This gives you space to think, to breathe, to process everything that is going on for you, and to be more available to help others. We are in this together but we are going through this life on our own. I always go back to that line Billy Joel’s My Life - “Ahh but sooner or later you sleep in your own space; Either way it’s okay, you wake up with yourself.” It’s nice to sleep and wake up refreshed.
If you have any other tips for sleeping that I have not mentioned here please do share them in the comments. And if you found this post useful, please do share it with others you think would also benefit. I’ll leave you with this - the end of one month is the beginning of another. The end of a year is the beginning of another. What is a month? A year? What does it mean anymore?? So much is happening so quickly. Being in the present moment is a gift (ha ha). Take it one day at a time.
What a year this week has been. Much love xxAbby
If you’d like a copy of my One Day at a Time Diary for 2025 you can get it here.
Thanks for the tips, the reminders, the coaching, the solidarity, and the humor. I need every bit of each I can soak up. I have also stepped away from the shitshow. It can roll on without me until my path meets it and it has learned not to drink too much at parties. I got tired of holding it's proverbial hair. Magnesium was my game changer. I have been doing gummies, but, argh, the sugar. Might be back to pills for me. I also go to sleep before my husband now. I used to wait for him but now I do my own thing on my own schedule and it just saves me an hour or two of insomnia waiting for the next cycle of sleepiness to roll in. I tried not doing my Astral work, but silly me, I got bored and wanted it back. It might be like my gymnasium! Have a lovely New Moon and New Year's Eve and Day, Abby! Always looking forward to your next installment! 💖
Your light and love and wisdom echo into my past present future. Namaste sister 🤗💓