Now that Transformation is finished and ready for publishing next week, I feel like I can take a breather and catch up with myself. I know that I’ve not shared any excerpts, I’ve not read anything aloud nor have I made a video discussing my inspiration for these books. It’s because I’ve been too busy writing them! I will do all of these things over the coming weeks, and I will be excited to do it!
As I finished the first messy draft of Expansion I realised that these are not three novels, it’s one big story, in three parts. I’ve been blown away by people’s enthusiasm for the story and I know that anyone who has read part one, Awakening, has been on tenterhooks waiting to find out what happens next. I’ve had people write to me triggered by the ending… and as I am a therapist at heart, and not wanting anyone invoking their own dark energy while they wait in anticipation, I’ve needed to make sure people can rest easy, knowing they don’t have to linger in the energy of the cliffhanger ending of book 1!
So here I am, at the first weekend where I feel a deep stillness within me, knowing that the books now hold the energy and will go out into the world, and (hopefully) change peoples lives on their own, inadvertently, while they are reading a really fun story! And I can take my time tidying up the messy draft, before sending it off to my editor.
These books are powerful, if I say so myself. They have practically written themselves, spilling out of me, sometimes my fingers couldn’t type fast enough. I felt Marissa come sit beside me, willing me to turn on the computer screen because she had so much to tell me.
The books teach about magic, real magic, the kind that you have inside of you (yes, you do!). They show you how to manage day-to-day, low level anxiety, how to deal with grief, how to get the pieces of your spirit back that you have lost. They give an insight as to how to move on from deep grief, how to have patience and tolerance for others, how to understand that someone else’s pain is not the same as yours. And they give you a fly-on-the-wall insider look at therapy sessions, in case you've never been before and are curious as to how it works, in case they might be helpful to you.
These books, I hope, will inspire people to find the courage that’s buried deeply within, to go and do the deep inner work, just like Marissa has done.
Awakening to the magic that’s in the world, and how this magic is within you too, just waiting to be recognised.
Transformation as you let it in, struggle with your conditioning, realising that everything you’ve been told isn’t true.
Expansion, when you finally let go and let it in, and grow from it, enlarge to hold it all, and become who you really are.
Thats the essence of these books, oh, and there’s also a battle between good and evil! You learn what it’s like to be a psychotherapist and experience disappointment, not know what to say at times when your clients become distressed, the elation when they have a breakthrough. You experience the bittersweet emotions of having a deep, intimate connection with someone, who then disappears because they don’t need you anymore. All while juggling a day-to-day office job, managing friendships and family, and following a thirst for adventure, a desire to learn more about the nature of magic in the world. Some of it is mine, yes, of course it is, but some of it is Marissa’s too, her very own thoughts and deeds being things that I would never think, or have experienced. I know that you will love these books and the journey they will bring you on, and that you will be happy to wait for Expansion, because it is going to be oh so worth the wait.
If you’re looking for something to read for the summer, try The Inner Compass Trilogy. And tell all your friends too! (And if you do love them, please leave a review for me!) You never know, this could just be the missing jigsaw puzzle piece that you’re looking for, to remind you that the magic is within, and that it’s been there all along.
The Inner Compass Trilogy - Books 1 & 2 now available for purchase online.,, Book Depository
Congratulations on your accomplishment, and for having a good relationship with your muse!