I wish you peace.
At the cusp of a very hyped up 2023, let's take a moment and gather ourselves.
For the last few weeks I’ve been generally quiet. It’s been a rollercoaster ride, coming back from Morocco after having been in the desert and seen every part of myself reflected back to myself. And discovering that I didn’t want to run away from myself.
But I needed time to integrate it, not hit the decks running on my return to minus 2 celsius snow and ice weather, and everything seeming to be pulling on me. So the integration time was belaboured, and prolonged.
And then my website.
It was attacked, it stopped working, it wouldn’t let me into the dashboard. What. A. Disaster. Sometimes when I change (in different words I call it an energetic upgrade) my car doesn’t recognise me, my phone may stutter and stall. This time my website didn’t want me near it anymore. I was in shock and incredibly stressed over this, but it turned into something wonderful. I have a new website now. One that will serve me, instead of one that I was serving. I am not quite ready to share it just yet, and I had to go through a grieving process for the old one.
What I went through with my website is similar to what we are all going through, in that what we have been living with, what is familiar to us, is not working for us. But we cannot see it, and we are in denial. We need something big and painful to happen to make us look at a situation that we have been avoiding. When we finally open our eyes to it, we realise that it has always been working against us. And it hurts.
The last few years have made me stronger and more able to be who I am in my wholeness. I like me. I don’t think I’d have met myself at this level if what happened didn’t push me to the wall and give me no other option. It was a surprise to see myself here, so much beauty and pain. It is the pain that makes us more beautiful.
Many of you feel the same way. Many of you are not there yet. And many of you will never go there. And you know what? That is up to you, and not for any of us to judge or compare ourselves to. We are not the same. We aren’t. If we were, what would be the reason for our existence?
Ultimately these past few years have been a test of faith. And when I say this, I mean it works both ways, just as it does in any relationship. The more faith we have in God, the more God infiltrates our lives. It doesn’t make it easier, just different. Like having a baby is hard and wonderful, and having a teenager is hard and wonderful, but it’s hard and wonderful in a different way.
These past few years have also been about love. Can we love each other even when we don’t agree or understand each other? I think we are still learning how to do this.
2023 has been hyped up more than any movie I’ve ever seen. It’s going to be horrendous, worse than the last 3 years. A pinnacle moment in the history of mankind. Never before have the planets….
I’m tired of it.
I’ve got to take a break from the hype. 2023 is here and it is not here, because what is really here is this moment. And we have nothing but this moment - whether we label it 2019, 2022 or whatever. This moment is here, and now. How we relate to it is what we get from it.
So you can have the hype if you love the drama. You can have drama anytime if you love drama - I’m sure you know someone who lives like this. Their lives the preverbal soap opera. I turned off soap opera’s a long time ago.
Whatever 2023 brings, know this - when there is peace in your heart, then there is peace in your world. Your world. Not the world on social media, the world on the tv or in the movies, or on any media. Media sucks. Get outside and stand in the sun, listen to the birds, feel the ground beneath your feet.
Ground yourself and breathe. That’s better. Pull yourself into yourself. Don’t worry what anyone else tells you. That’s their stuff, their soap opera, their drama. You get to turn the television off and go outside and do something more interesting instead.
I will finish my trilogy (which I am just editing now).
I will go to concerts and listen to music.
I will learn how to crochet better than I do already.
I will breathe.
I will read and write poems, stories, and another novel which has come into my awareness.
I will laugh.
I will cry and I will hold sacred space for people who will do the same.
I will love.
I will love all of my friends fiercely.
I will probably spend too much time on social media because I care too much.
I will scream.
I will get into my car and drive for hours just to remember who I am once more.
And I will go home, to my family, my children and my husband because I worked hard to make it a loving home and it is the most loving home that I know.
It didn’t happen by accident. And the work is ongoing.
You’ve got to write your own list. But for you, I wish you peace.
Peace of mind.
Peace in your heart.
Peace in the moment,
and peace all around you.
No matter what you believe or where your head is at. We all want peace.
Blessings for a wonderful, challenging, exciting and miraculous 2023 xx
A perfect poem by Alfred LaMotte
Don't go, just arrive.
Rest the mind in the heart.
Dissolve your pronouns in 'Thou.'
Talk to the animals.
Smile for no reason at 3 A.M.
Instead of asking,
"what have I attained?"
let everything around you
become exceedingly awake,
raindrop, silence, stars.
Discover the secret treasure
in the place where you already are
by not searching.
Breath happens.
Just arrive.
Thank you Abby, I'm so over the hype & hogwash too.
Wishing you and your precious family a beautiful, blessed and wonder filled 2023 ✨💫