I’ve been reading substack now for about a year, because that’s where the people I respect share information and hold open discussions and debates…. Yes, that’s right, there are open discussions and debates allowed on here. Depending of course on who’s substack you’re visiting.
You must tread carefully on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, but substack is another thing altogether. That’s why I’m here. Brett Weinstein says: “A movement opposes science when it doesn’t want assertions tested, challenges arithmetic when its claims don’t add up, ridicules ‘merit’ when it wants to triumph by other means, seeks to censor when it fears discussion.” And it was this statement that lead me to create my website: http://do-your-research.com/, a place where I could gather articles and evidence to substantiate the intuitive sense that I was having during the plandemic. But then the evidence came too thick and fast for me to keep up with it, you can see the last update was November 2021. And I don’t need to do it anymore, because I find everything I need, on here.
I follow Steve Kirsch, Alex Berenson, Robert Malone for the latest research news, Aaron Siri and Del Bigtree when I want to celebrate successes, Margaret Anna Alice when I want to rant (and boy does she help me feel better), and Eugyppius, Meryl Ness and Mark Crispin when I need to remind myself how serious this situation still is. Sometimes what I read there makes me cry. Because this still is very serious, and it is not going away. #VaccineInjuredLivesMatter.
I met Dr Gerard Waters in real life. I shook his hand. I have huge respect for this man, he was the first Irish doctor to be struck off because he would not follow orders. His tweet today took me by surprise. So I had to check it out.
Here’s the substack he was sharing. Yes, you do need to read this one:
It heartens me to see so many people speaking out. And we must continue to do so. They cannot be allowed to get away with the harm they have done. I hold the vision that the truth will be revealed, and justice will indeed be served.
I was just listening to someone on YouTube, she was talking about acceptance. I noticed that I found myself in non-acceptance these days, leaving me exhausted... I will speak to myself too here... You cannot change the world by not accepting, wanting to change the world and people their way of living according to your way of doing of what you think is right. We see people, and some of them were highly respected by us, making different choices, and having different opinions. As we have OUR right to BE how we are, including our own opinions, so they have the right to choose their way of being. It may sadden us, for we wish them something better in their lives, but we have to accept their choice. However, when it comes to them pushing and wanting you to get into the swamp too, you can only lead by example and by saying no. Showing your boundaries, your discernment, and live according to your own way of living, how it feels right to you. When we see someone else being dragged into the swamp, we can tell this person not to do it, explaining our way of thinking, but it's up to them to make up their mind. We have to let them make their own decisions, the freedom of choice. As WE have the right to make our own choices.
I noticed that I was going against a lot of things, wanting, needing, demanding almost others to change because I thought I would feel safer. It will sadden our hearts to watch highly respected people taking different roads than ours, making their own mistakes, but perhaps this is their path, as we have our own path to walk on. So these days I will focus on radical acceptance, for the way I am, with all my good and not so good things. And I accept my eldest daughter with her flares and irritation of wanting to have a constant clean and organised house despite it never really is. 😂 (this is one of my items 😅). Because I need rest, and the drive to order my house will come effortlessly without feeling pushed to do it when I feel good again. So, here we show our boundaries and acceptance of others how and where they are. Damn... What a life. Much love to you Abby and readers 💞
Thank you, Abby! So glad I make you feel better 🤗