Do you worry too much about what other people think of you?
You might be pleasantly surprised if you take the risk and say what you really mean...
I'm aware I haven't published something here in quite a while, but I've just finished writing a book with Mark Attwood! So I have been writing. We are still working on the script but the meat of it, so to speak, came together surprisingly quickly. It is the cumulation of our life experiences and knowledge, with techniques that we have learned for empowerment and self-protection. We both feel it is for these times, and will be incredibly helpful to people who are open minded.
That’s what I’m writing about here - being open minded. I’ve spent most of my life worrying about what people would think of me and my ideas - I stopped worrying a few years ago. My relationship with Mark has spurred me on further - I find him so inspiring, his come-as-you-are no-holds-barred attitude has rubbed off on me and I think I’m the better for it. Neither of us had anything to prove, or anything to hide, and the book flowed out from us in such a natural way. Not worrying about what other people think brings such freedom to explore and share ideas that you may never have felt brave enough to do before. Which is where I am standing right now.
Hence my previous post about Philip K Dick. He didn’t seem to care about what people thought of him, and you’ve got to admire the guy for that. I’ve seen videos where people claim he was mentally ill, but to me he was sane and working out mysteries that I am currently working out myself. He may not have had the language to express himself, nor the friends to act as sounding boards that I feel grateful to have in my own life. My husband, especially (thanks love!). This could have held PK back from a Grand Discovery. We need more patience and tolerance, to afford people the space to be wrong, space to sound out their ideas - that’s what I’m always asking you to do for me, dear reader. We are on the precipice of this exploration of what it means to be human, together. If we are not brave enough to express the fullness of our ideas to each other, how do we expect to make any progress?
The deeper I probe into the mysteries, the more gifts they offer. It's like going deep into a labyrinth. I will take a breath and stop here a while to picnic and chat with you, catch you up on where I am with it, so to speak, before I decide which turn I'm going to take next.
I enjoy my life so much more when I’m caught in deep exploration, it is as if life conspires to offer me more clues, my intrigue and interest never wains. An aside - is this the new form of hero’s journey, where we do not have to leave the comfort of our home to venture into the uncharted waters of the psyche? Currently, I am trying to decipher what other people have already stumbled across whilst bringing my own knowledge into the fore, to unjumble the jumbled up, so to speak. I know I have a gift to take apart the complex and sublimate it into simplicity - that was the basis for Energy Healing Made Easy - although there is nothing easy about this book, I may add. Some of those that read it had been doing energy healing for years and never understood what they were doing until they read my book - I know this only because they told me so. It’s also been translated into more than 10 languages, including Russian.
I enter the collective psyche in dreamtime to continue my quest. I had a lucid dream last night where I was asked to teach my methods to qualified psychotherapists. I remember having a moment in the dream where I thought logically about how I would do this. Then the scene changed, as scenes do while in the dreamtime, and we were in a crèche. I asked the adults who were taking my class to sit down on the floor and play with the toys, as if they were children again. They had trouble with this, as you would imagine. When I woke up I realised why I asked for this - it’s a logical step to break academic thinkers out of their heads and get them into their bodies and into an imaginative space. Many of the toys were broken in my dream, most of the adults decided they couldn’t play with broken toys and needed to fix them. They went about the place looking for glue and nails and tools and things, avoiding what was being asked of them. A child would play with broken toys, possibly without knowing they were broken. In fact, the broken aspects of the toy would become part of their creative play. I watched my adults with great interest, while analysing how I could further impart my knowledge to these people who believed they needed what they thought was perfection and order. There is perfection in the broken - it simply exists in the perfect state - that is the whole point. That’s why some people think that Phillip K Dick was a madman.
I believe what is holding us back the most, as a collective, is the denial of our multi-dimensionality. People still believe that only what they see, feel, hear and touch is real, and that there is no possibility for other dimensions having an impact on their life whatsoever. Yet these things are acceptable in movies and in books, it’s written off as ‘fiction.’ Perhaps that is why I felt called to write fiction, (magical realism as the genre) as this is an acceptable way to impart information that I know is true. The Inner Compass may be loosely based on my own life but the supernatural events in those books have happened to me in one shape or another.
Whenever I get ill, whenever I'm in physical pain, or emotional turmoil, there is always an energetic cause. I can put the mainstream bandaid on, get the massage, take the drugs, even do the exercises, but until I address the energetic issue directly I will continue to experience symptoms. And the symptoms can be extreme.
It might feel like I digress here, but the Universe offers side passageways to travel down that don’t seem relevant until we realise that they are. Everything is connected.
In my waking hours this morning, after my dream, I saw a post where a Facebook friend who trained on the shamanic path asked about 5 new books that she seemed excited to read. ‘Which one should I read first?’ she said with great glee, adding that these books are ‘cutting edge’. So of course, fascinated as I am with the ‘cutting edge’, I needed to check them out. I was surprised and disappointed to discover they were all empirical and scientific, going into detail about the body yes, but not one of these books included any essence around our multidimensionality. Perhaps a hint of consciousness and intention as influence over our cells? I didn’t care to find out. The tone of the packaging was enough for me to justify that it is, at times, appropriate to judge books by their covers.
I left a comment. ‘Have you not been on the spiritual path for at least as long as I have, if not longer? Why are you going back to this archaic, medieval representation of what a human being is?’ I didn't actually say it as harshly as that, but I believe at this stage, it is no great revelation to discover that our consciousness has bearing on our physical body. Science (and I mean here real science as opposed to ‘the science’) still has a long way to catch up. I suggested she read the works of Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, or Rupert Sheldrake. If you good readers have more suggestions please do leave them in the comments below, as there seems to be a serious lack of material which takes spirit and body into consideration. Besides of course, my own books, which offer practical ways to marry the two together. I’ve not seen this done anywhere else, mind you. In particular, my books ‘How to be Well’ and ‘Heal your Inner Wounds’ teach self-actualisation and self-regulation, and life mastery. Perhaps I need to put scientific terminology on my practices to make them more acceptable to the mainstream? I wasn’t writing for the mainstream… I’m not teaching it either? Is it time, now?
This brings me back to my dream - how do I impart what I do into a teachable syllabus for other’s to follow and replicate? Is this possible, at all? Ironically, in my dream I had a moment of epiphany, when I realised that Marissa, the main character in my work of fiction, ‘The Inner Compass Trilogy’ goes through a training, herself. Mirroring her training could be the ideal way forward. I shall continue to contemplate this as a possibility.
So back to this delicious picnic with you, dear reader, and thank you for suffering my thought process to this point. I suppose what I'm trying to say here, is that I believe very strongly that we must stop pussy-footing around and worrying about what other people think of us. It is high time we factor in our multi-dimensionality when we're discussing our health, or any other aspect of our lives. We must include our spiritual dimensions when we talk about what it means to be a human being. We must feel free and easy to talk about our holographic blueprint or soul contracts. We should be able to discuss the energetic cords that bind us to each other with the same confidence we hold when we speak about our back pain, or a frozen shoulder.
Sloth could be a factor in our lives because our grandfather never wanted to work and he's following us around in spirit and we're picking up his heavy energy. Our desire for drink could be because our great-uncle was an alcoholic and he just won't stop whispering into our multi-dimensional ear, ‘Go on, go on, have another drink, it won't do you any harm.’
There are malevolent forces at work in this inverted world just waiting with glee for you to fall down into the depths of depravity. If you carry out behaviours that you are not proud of, then you carry the energetic frequency of guilt, shame, anger, fear and regret. These frequencies lower you down to better hear the whispers of the demons that are real, yes they are real, and they want to push you over the edge so they can claim part, or all, of your soul.
We must stop being afraid to talk about this, so we can make it stop.
Where do the answers lie? The Bible has some answers, yes, but not all of them. The Bible itself has been perverted, inverted or distorted, you choose the word that fits best for you.
I'm still working all of this out, as I’ve said many times before. The one thing for me that rings truest today, is that we are so much more than what we have been told. And it’s time to own it. We have the capacity to be telepathic, clairsentient, clairaudient. I have claircognisence. The more I talk about this to people, the more they admit to me that they have these abilities too. A quiet admission though, lest they be judged.
We know when our baby is hungry or sick, we don’t know how, but we just know. We can tell if there's something wrong with our dog. We also know if the person driving the car in front of us is not paying attention to the road - sometimes we know if they’re going to change lanes, or turn left even though they didn't put their indicator on.
We know if somebody is thinking about us, that’s why they text us when they’ve already been on our mind. We can feel them in our energy field because it’s part of who we are. Stop being afraid to talk about it. Say exactly what you mean.
Here's the thing - as we claim our space and step into the truth of who we are, (which is what we're all doing right now, it's fancy language I know but this is what we're doing) - we are waking up to this. We refuse to be treated badly or stepped upon - we will be slaves no longer. We can smell a lie. Especially when it's sitting there, like rotting meat, we know exactly what it is. That's what's so beautiful about this transformation - lies will not stand a chance. This is the world I want to live in.
Thanks for reading. Please do give me a few more suggestions in the comments of books that marry spirituality with science. And let me know your thoughts on what I’ve just said. Don’t hold back. Don’t be afraid to speak your truth. Who are you, really? Do you know?
Dr. Joe Dispenza - Becoming Supernatural: How Common People are Doing the Uncommon.
A book I'm reading at the moment that infuses science with mind-power, energy and spirituality.
Thank you for the interesting and inspiring article Abby Wynne.
Stanislav Grof 'When the Impossible Happens. Adventures in Non-ordinary Realities' + more by him, including on holotropic breathwork