Clearing out the clutter makes room for the beauty to come in.
Weekly Energy Tip - Don't stand on a swivel chair.
I don't know why but I'm feeling renewed and invigorated right now. I did a de-clutter of my wardrobe, and found a bunch of clothes that I forgot I had. I started a new exercise plan, and I'm becoming more conscious of what I am eating. And, I'm also drinking more water - structured water, because it's better than tap, or filtered.
I don't feel better yet, but I know if I persist, and place the power of my will behind my intention to feel better, that I will, in time, feel better. It's a long game, and I am determined that this year I break all the patterns that cause me physical pain. Inflammation and physical weakness combined is the bane of my life, and I'm sure many of you can relate. It's time to finally shed the suffering that chronic pain brings, so we can step into the light and claim our space in the world. Especially as Elon Musk says that he will cover our legal fees if the Government doesn't like our attitudes… Of course this only goes for Ireland!
It's strange because it's not Spring yet, but it feels like it is just around the corner. Maybe it's because of all the solar flashes? I remember being pregnant and having a burst of energy before giving birth - perhaps we need to prepare for what is coming? I have heard of an event in February, then they say it’s in March… I don't know. I'm not waiting for anything, I’m going with the flow, and the flow is strong, that's for sure.
My Weekly Energy tip this week is - clear out the clutter. Anything that makes you feel emotional (in a down way, as opposed to an up), anything that you've not worn for a year, anything that you are keeping because you think you need to keep it, and not because you actually want it (someone gave it to you), has to go. Give things to charity shops, the bounty will excite someone else, and you will then have space for something that actually makes you feel happy. Get lighter in heart, mind and soul. And body!
After I cleared my wardrobe I came downstairs and found my husband clearing out the kitchen presses - empty jars that the children had put back instead of throwing them away, things that were open and had gone off, or items that were past their freshness date. We can now see what we do have, and we have all that we need. It's a great feeling.
It’s important to clear out the clutter when it comes to writing too - what works and what doesn’t work. Abandoning scripts when they are not going anywhere. Crossing out paragraphs of meandering musings. Quality is where it’s at. Nothing is wasted, it’s all exercise for the mind, grist for the mill.
I was thinking of sending my Weekly Energy Tips newsletter from here, every week, along with any extra essays or thoughts that I might have.
suggested that I publish all my work here, on Substack - videos, email newsletters, etc, but everybody that reads or watches me isn’t here. So it isn’t right for me, for now anyway. I apologise if you receive both my email newsletter and Substack and see some overlap - I also post on Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, and Telegram, and of course YouTube. It can be quite confusing where to put a thing. I do want to simplify. I do need to clean this all up, too. It’s worth taking time to think about how. But not today.Social Media
An electric paper trail
behind us, no trees.
We shout into a vacuum.
Creativity is good, creativity is fun, you’re off to great places, alone, or with everyone. It’s time to write a children’s book - one that is useful, spiritual, teaches sacredness. Particularly the sacredness of the body, to make up for the horrendous, horrific horrors that are being so embraced by the mainstream. Simon and Schuster you should be ashamed of yourselves. So many books are becoming satanic space wasters. May the parents see sense and not buy the things. Straight into the bin with them all. Clearing out the clutter makes room for the beauty to come in. I pray for the wasted trees.
A "long game" indeed!
I began to change my diet last Easter and am still in transition. I am torn between wanting to get there, and not f***ing up too soon. It's like coming off heroin. Cold turkey or slow withdrawal? I want cold turkey but I also want to stick to my guns.
You go girl!
I am almost finished a massive clean out of our second home. We have sold it. I have shipped back what we truly wish to keep. Given away tons to friends and church/schools/charity. And sold some as well. Beyond freeing. Less is the new abundance.