We were not put here to be comfortable, however, many people organise their lives so that they can stay in a self-defined comfort zone.
We don’t grow when we stay comfortable. We are not challenged, we don’t get disappointed, we don’t need to make compromises. Growth and comfort do not go together.
There are those who choose to grow, and those who choose to stay comfortable.
The lockdowns created a new level of comfort zone, where we could wear pyjamas all day, eat whatever we wanted, drink, sleep all day… Because nobody was looking. Some people really enjoyed the lockdowns for this very reason.
I don’t think society has quite gotten over the shock of having to go ‘back to reality’. You can, of course, create a sort of self-imposed lockdown, where you bring your comfort zone around with you. But you might not even realise you’re doing that.
If life gets too uncomfortable, you can walk away. Be wilfully blind to what you do not want to see. That takes energy - yet many people are spending their energy on this because it’s easier to stay wilfully blind and avoid facing what you are trying to hide from, than have the courage and the energy to grow. But those things that are pushing you to grow, do grow bigger in the background. It’s a pressure cooker effect.
If the fears are too great, of course, you can simply adapt until you find the level of comfort that you can live with.
The fear that you think you have under control will express itself in your body. Imagine living with a monster, being around that energy every day has got to take something out of you. Your body will show you with it’s levels of tension which lead to physical pain. You will smile and say ‘I’m fine’ but you’re not. Not really. Something’s gotta give.
Does staying in your comfort zone means lying to yourself? Perhaps. And perhaps we are all doing it to some degree.
The world is designed to make us uncomfortable, so that we question our discomfort, face it head on and do something about it.
This takes courage. And energy. It is okay to be afraid, but then you gather the strength and push through it so you can face your fears. The growth that comes from this is why we are here.
And of course, you can always ask for help. You can talk about what is going on for you with someone who understands, someone who is not afraid to face their own fears, someone who is not wilfully blind. Because if your friends are also living in their own comfort zones, you can form a sort of comfort-zone club, and that isn’t very useful in the long term.
Can you see a pattern yet? People are fighting their corner to stay in their comfort zone for dear life. And there are people who are not afraid to grow, that keep pointing out the lies that the wilfully blind refuse to see.
Pointing out the lies isn’t working, is it? There must be a common ground where we can meet, a level playing field.
You see, the thing is, I’m tired of pointing out truth to people who are wilfully blind. It is exhausting. And they are putting more of their energy into denying the truth than coming to terms with it. It’s come to the point where I’m beginning to wonder if I’m the one who is being wilfully blind.
I’m trying to step out of my own comfort zone, to try to understand the other. It feels like I need to do that, because when I say in my videos that we need to bring in more love, I mean we need to bring in love for ourselves AND love for the other. I do feel that understanding goes with love. So I’m trying to get some.
Paul Selig’s guides say, ‘What you damn, damns you back. And what you bless, blesses you in return.’
So I admit it - I am currently working on this. It’s bringing me right out of my comfort zone, and I’m not there yet. But I want to grow. I’m ready for the next steps. What about you?
Nice & gentle. Thank you Abbey
Beautifully stated. 🧡🙏Thank you for this delicious food for reflection.