Are you a lightworker? Have you ever suffered from Depression?
Depression is a hot topic. Everyone knows someone who is depressed, and people are not afraid to admit that they are or have been…
Depression is a hot topic. Everyone knows someone who is depressed, and people are not afraid to admit that they are or have been, depressed at one point in their lives. It used to be such a taboo subject, it is wonderful to see it being talked about without the stigma. As more people feel safe to talk, more people are talking, and we are seeing that the things we think are “weird” are actually quite common.
My take on depression – it’s Soul Loss. It can be inherited: you can be born with it or born into a family with Soul loss; you can take on their Soul Loss. You can loose pieces of your Soul from a trauma or an event. Or life wears your Soul down, until you have very little of it left. Being worn down by life leads to depression.
What is depression then? It’s not something that goes away quickly. It’s a feeling of dread of life, of heaviness, of despair. Like something has sucked the joy out of you. No hope. No motivation, nothing to live for. Dullness, greyness, even darkness. Not wanting to face the day. No energy to face the day. Depression is heavy and slow. It is draining and like a black hole, sucks everything into it until there is nothing left.
Most of us don’t go further, we don’t take our own lives. But some of us do. And depression is a real thing. Have you ever felt it? It’s not like a mood swing to unhappiness where you feel low for a day or two, and then it lifts. Depression lasts for weeks. Months, even years. Some people have never known life without it.
I’m talking about this because most of the lightworkers I know have felt some form of depression in the last 12 months. I know that I have.
So let’s look at how to get out of this. Soul Retrieval. Doing your inner work. Having a daily spiritual practice to keep you in balance. It takes work to be a lightworker. I guess that’s why we have the name “worker” in this label – we have to do the work to stay in the light. Yes it’s a label but I see it as something without baggage, something we can use to recognise ourselves and each other. Light Worker. Working with the light. It’s not a choice, you either are one or you’re not one. Most caregiver archetypes and empaths are lightworkers. And when we don’t work with our light and the light from source, we drift out of the light, and become depressed. Aha moment.
Lightworkers are afraid to be seen, to be heard, and to be themselves.
When the world is wearing you down it’s probably because you’re doing all these things – hiding your magic from the world, hiding your magic from yourself, giving your power away to other people/places/things, thinking other things are more important than you, thinking that you are not good enough or don’t deserve to be happy, not giving yourself a break and allowing yourself to be happy, or allowing yourself to totally relax and bring yourself completely into the moment as the light being that you are.
Can you relate?
Not everyone is a lightworker. And that people who are not, will not necessarily understand you. But that doesn’t make you any less important or less of a person than they are. It just means that it can feel harder to be here, in this reality, and that you have work that you have to do in order to stay balanced. You are high maintenance. Get used to it.
Here’s an exercise:
Imagine you have beautiful wings that you have clipped, tied back or bound back because you’re afraid to be seen for who you are, right here, in this reality. Now breathe and relax and tell yourself it’s okay to release and stretch your wings, just for a moment or two. You may need to take some time to convince yourself, but it is worth doing this.
As you relax, maybe just imagine your wings start to peeking out, that your chest opens and relaxes, and that you feel your spine straightening just a little bit. As you get used to the energy shift, you can let your wings unfold even more.
Are they butterfly wings? Fairy wings? Angel wings? What type of wings are they? Shake them out now, and notice how your body relaxes more when you let them unfold. Unfold them as much as you can. You’re supposed to be here in your full beauty and glory.
You can tuck them back in again to go back to the “real world” or not, depending on how you feel. But you need to let these wings out to stretch from time to time so that you feel better.
If you had trouble doing this exercise, try it again, try it a few times, until you get used to the idea that you’re safe doing it.
You’re not alone. You really aren’t. Know that even though you have to do work to stay in the light, once you’re there, the rewards are more than you could ever have dreamed of.