An Post sent a TV Licence Inspector to my house
I wasn't home. I have decided to send a follow-up letter.
Here’s my original letter to An Post:
I suppose it was inevitable that they would send an inspector out. I’m glad I wasn’t at home, I would have gotten very angry with the inspector and it wasn’t his fault, he’s just doing his job. (I’m just doing my job - what an unfortunate phrase).
My husband asked me what I would have said if I was home, and wasn’t angry. I thought about it for a while. I realised that I’m not trying to avoid my civic duty, I just want to be seen, heard and acknowledged. I’m not looking to go off-grid, well not yet anyway. And they did breach their contract to us, several times over. I decided that I’d ask RTE and An Post for an official reply to my letter. I would also like a pledge to rectify the situation before I consider paying them.
It has been 6 months, however, and I have not received a letter in response to my original letter, so I feel another letter is warranted. I’m sharing it below. If you feel I’ve missed something out, please do let me know in the comments.
An Post TV Licence Records Office
Floor 3B
O’Connell Street,
Dublin 1
8 March 2023
Dear An Post,
I believe that you recently sent a TV licence inspector to my house looking for payment for my TV licence.
I’m perfectly aware that I have not paid and it is not a mistake.
I am still waiting for a reply to my letter from 7th September 2022. When you can address the issues I raised, then I will most certainly consider paying what you feel is due.
However I now have more issues to add to the list and I will list them here.
Firstly I do wish to point out the specific paragraphs in the broadcasting act that I still believe RTE is in serious breach of once more:
Part 3, 39 part 1, (a) and (b):
(a) all news broadcast by the broadcaster is reported and presented in an objective and impartial manner and without any expression of the broadcaster’s own views,
(b) the broadcast treatment of current affairs, including matters which are either of public controversy or the subject of current public debate, is fair to all interests concerned and that the broadcast matter is presented in an objective and impartial manner and without any expression of his or her own views, except that should it prove impracticable in relation to a single broadcast to apply this paragraph, two or more related broadcasts may be considered as a whole, if the broadcasts are transmitted within a reasonable period of each other,
And part 5:
(5) A broadcaster shall ensure that the broadcast treatment of any proposal, being a proposal concerning policy as regards broadcasting, which is of public controversy or the subject of current public debate, which is being considered by the Government or the Minister, shall be reported and presented in an objective and impartial manner.
As far as I am concerned the TV licence is a contract between the individual and the national broadcaster to provide a specific service. And I reiterate that this service has not been forthcoming, therefore I feel entitled to withhold my payment until the situation has been rectified.
I saw recently that RTE investigates is back - they did a show about one person who pretended to be a psychologist and managed to get away with it for a time. Nice work. But it’s not enough.
Here are the issues that I would like RTE to cover in a fair and balanced manner on behalf of myself and the Irish people in order to rectify the lack of balanced non biased reporting over the last 3 years:
The use of midazolam and ventilators in hospitals and old age homes when it is now known that they were not necessary and caused people to die
The use of the fraudulent PCR test and who really benefited from it
The amount of money the government, HSE and the media was paid to brand and publicise the covid pandemic, where the money came from and why it was felt necessary to brand and publicise a pandemic when the actual pandemic itself would be deterrent enough
Why early treatment of covid was actively discouraged when it was proven to be very successful
Why doctors are being punished for successful early treatment of covid
The actual number of people that died from covid and not with covid, with accurate listings of their age range and co-morbidities
The fraud that has been discovered in the release of the Pfizer documentation, how that affects Pfizer in Ireland and the overall integrity of the covid vaccine trials
Why doctors are currently being investigated for successfully treating their patients early with non-patented products and not issuing covid vaccines and why the Irish Medical Board feels it is necessary to strike them off when nobody they treated died
Why there was no health advice given by the HSE to encourage people to improve their lifestyle and take exercise and proper nutrition when it’s been proven to improve the chances of survival with covid
Why segregation and discrimination of people by medical status was actively encouraged and the resulting mental and emotional stress that it caused on those that were discriminated against, their families, and the businesses that were ‘forced’ or coerced into doing it – who benefitted from this and what was the real reason behind it?
How many businesses have had to close as a result of covid restrictions, and to tell the public that the government is taxing the covid relief payment which is now causing pain for small business owners
The deeper connections between pharma and the healthcare industry in Ireland, pharm and government and pharma and education, and all of the conflict of interests with the main players during the ‘pandemic’
The fact that there is a severe increase in death of young people and sports people, and why the connection between the covid vaccine and these sudden deaths is not being made
Why there have been exponential increases in heart conditions, neurological conditions, sudden death, cancers and other diseases and whether they can be directly connected to the covid vaccine
I’d also like to see investigations into the following issues that have arisen as a result of the covid pandemic:
A detailed enquiry into the causes of the increase in sudden death of otherwise healthy people in Ireland
Whether suicide and depression can be directly correlated to lockdowns and other various covid restrictions
Why there has been an increase in all-cause mortality in Ireland and what the causes of it are
If all vaccines do harm and how vaccines are made, how vaccines are tested in general, and more about vaccine injury and the covid vaccine, plus the HPV vaccine in particular
If Sudden Adult Death Syndrome is similar to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and whether they are both caused as side effects from vaccines
The number of miscarriages and failed pregnancies in women since the rollout of the covid vaccine
The developmental delay in children affected by masking over a broad age range
The wide cohort of people who now have social anxiety and are deeply affected by loneliness and inability to thrive
The trauma and PTSD in women who were forced to give birth without their partners present and the affect on the babies of such women
The Trauma and PTSD in the public at large as a result of the continual fear based agenda of RTE and the mainstream media
And for future investigations:
The fertility rates of Irish men and women and whether the covid vaccine has affected the number of births/population of resident Irish people (and not an inflated population due to the migration of the last 3 years)
Why the government had actively discouraged natural and holistic remedies, increased the price of vitamin supplements and practically banned the use of effective natural remedies, and the restrictions with customs and the postal service, making it next to impossible to import them
There are many other issues affecting the Irish public at present that are also not being covered in a balanced way by the media, such as:
The influx of non vetted military aged males with no passports and the lack of capping on the number of migrants coming into this country.
What is being done to actively help the Irish homeless
How many Irish small businesses are still closing as a result of the pandemic
I could go on.
RTE could also claim they didn’t know that these reports were needed in order for balance. Or even that they’re wanted. However, there are plenty of other people out there who have also been repeatedly asking for these reports, the proof is on social media. I’ve also personally asked certain RTE journalists to investigate these things on my behalf numerous times, and have been blatantly ignored.
I stress that these issues are the ones that I wish to see covered, yet the Irish public may have others - I feel RTE should canvass the public at large to ensure that no stone is left unturned. I would also add to the above that RTE needs to apologise to the public for said numerous breaches of the broadcasting act, pledge that it will not be so heavily influenced by government and pharmaceutical money again, and that it will once more be beholden to the people as it was originally designed to be.
I do feel it will take a lot to earn back the trust of the public - it’s possible that RTE in its current state will need to be dismantled. We need a media watchdog. Now that would be something I would be happy to give financial backing to.
On that note, I will once again await your response, both from my original letter, and also now from this one. My payment will not be forthcoming until you have addressed my issues. I’ll keep a copy of both letters printed out in the kitchen on the off chance you happen to send the inspector back to my house again in the future.
I look forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,
Abby Wynne
The letter is posted now. I like one of the comments I got - this is a new line of attack. It's been my only line of attack, for too long. We must hold the media accountable. Because nobody else is doing it.
I love this story because I know that when this story happens in the hundreds and thousands things happen. Change happens. And it just takes a seed. I also love the clear and concerned and humanity that comes through Iin your writing. It is obvious to me that you are writing because you care. And Thankyou for that unfathomable act of courage. And Thankyou to the broadcast agreement, composed in a better time to even give space to the debate. I believe that should it be composed now there would be no room for questions let alone concern.
I hope one day to do this with my taxes, in some form wether it is inspiring a bypass or challenging the belief that the government I pay for now is in anyway for the people and by the people.
Many blessings to you and yours